Monday, August 19, 2013

Is 6 months to young to paint a babys nails with polish?

A friend of mine has a 6 month old girl and paints her finger nails, she constantly asks if she can paint my little girls nails, shes 4 months and I say no way. I think 6 months is to young considering babys always have their hands in their mouths. I told her not to do it, but she thinks its ok.Is 6 months to young to paint a babys nails with polish?
no it is not safe at that age, you are right, babies stick their hand in their mouth a lot and finger nail polish easily chips off and can get in their mouth, and could possibly make them sick, you made the right choice by telling her not to paint your babies nails.Is 6 months to young to paint a babys nails with polish?
Your friend has some mental issues. think Jon Benet Ramsey Find new friends
It probably wouldn't hurt anything , but the fumes and the fact like you said that they always have their feet and hands in their mouth. I wouldn't do it.
NO! There nail beds are way too soft and their skin is too sensitive to even take the chance of having a severe chemical reaction to the nail polish, it seems like she is hella juice to have a daughter and looking forward to doing all the girly things but you still have to be careful, if she has to rush her to the hospital because the baby was putting her hands in her mouth and some of the nail polish came off and went into her throat and she has a severe allergic reaction by the baby's throat starting to close up, is she gonna tell the doctor she didn't see anything wrong with it ? TELL HER TO STOP AND YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING BY NOT LETTING HER DO THAT TO YOUR BABY!!!!!!!
Sounds like a woman with too much time on her hands! I dont even paint my own nails...i think using chemicals on a babies nails this early would be detrimental in some way.
thats so stupid

not to mention totally unecessary
As long as they are putting their hands in their mouths its really not a great idea. Your babies are only babies for a short time...enjoy it while you can!
of course, your friend is just foolish and treating her baby like a toy.
I agree with you. I don't like the thought of nail polish coming off when the baby constantly puts her fingers in her mouth.

I also have to wonder -- babies are so naturally beautiful. Why the nail polish? Does she want to put makeup on her? Will she be one of those three year old girls that wears makeup? What message does this send a young girl? She's not pretty enough on her own, and needs help from makeup? Not the message I want to send my daughter. Obviously, a 6 month old is not going to pick up this message yet, but the mother should be aware of what the message *will* be when the baby is old enough to understand.
i think so

nailpolish has all these chemcials..and babies put thier hands in their mouth..

def not a good idea.
I think you are right.

see if your friend can do something else for her baby : knit it a hat or scarf: this will keep her busy doing something nice for baby when she's bored.

M : /
I can't imagine this is safe. A child has their fingers (and toes for most of them) in their mouth constantly. Nail Polish isn't exactly ';good eating'; for a baby.

You can ask your pediatrian, but they will probably look at you with a horrified expression on their face.

Personally, I wouldn't let nail polish within 10' of my baby girl. She doesn't need that crap until she wants to play dress-up at age 5+.
The baby will put her fingers in her mouth and suck on them!

How could you think of putting paint on them! Thats like poisoning your baby on purpose!!!!
Since baby teeth around those months painting nails is a bad idea because the paint will chip off in their mouths. Let her paint her baby's if she wants too but i wouldn't let her paint my babies. Some people are hard headed and think they know it all!
She needs medical attention.

My daughter is 7 months and she puts everything in her mouth. Polish is not recommended and believe it or not some adults don't need it either for the same reason. This is your baby!!!!!!!

Tell her no and you should report her to someone who can help her. She might be 51/50.
I agree with you. Babies are constantly putting their hands in their mouths and if it were my child I wouldn't want her ingesting any of the chemicals in nail polish.
Tell your friend to grow up! Maybe when the child is 4.
LOL i barely get the chance to cut my baby's nails and shes 10 months forget painting them!
That is the weirdest thing I have ever heard of! And toxic.
no it is too young, nail polish is poisonous to a baby, don't let her paint your daughters nails, it is her ultimate stupidity if she wants to poison her own daughter!
First, I agree with you, babies have their hands in their mouths all the time, so they shouldn't have their nails painted. Second, YOU are the mom, so what you think is best for your kid goes. If your friend can not respect that, then she needs to not come over to play any more.
You're absolutely RIGHT! Tell her she needs to stop before her baby gets poisoned! GEEEZ!
Girls shouldn't have their nails painted as long as they put their hands or feet in their mouth a lot. The nail polish is not good for them.
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