Saturday, September 28, 2013

How to cut my rabbit's nails?

Ok my rabbit Spooky is not like any bunny. But to make a long story short, the little bugger loves to be hugged but not put on his back. He also hates it if I take one of his rabbity paws and start to cut his nails that way. What the heck am I supposed to do? My boyfriend is willing to help out because I know it will be a two person job. I have treats for Spooky afterwards but does anyone have any ideas or stories with their rabbits?How to cut my rabbit's nails?
If you trim your pet's nails, be very careful that you NEVER cut too short.

Never cut too close to the pink you can see inside of a clear nail. Black nails are more difficult to cut because you can't see the pink part inside the nail. I can tell you how but it is a much longer explanation.

- If you cut the nail too short, you will be cutting into the 'quick' and the nail will bleed. It is difficult to stop the bleeding from the quick (not to mention, very painful to the animal).

- You should purchase silver nitrate sticks from a pet store or vet. There is also a container full of silver nitrate powder you can purchase.

- If you cut the nail too short and it starts to bleed, either place the stick to the bleeding nail or dip the nail in the powder.

- If you don't have any silver nitrate, a very helpful (but less effective) tool is flour (the same kind you eat/cook with). Put the nail in a small pile of flour and keep it there for a few moments to help the blood coagulate. Even after you stop the bleeding, the nail is still very sensitive for awhile.

But anyways, if you place a rabbit on its back very gently and stroke its sides, it usually puts it into a 'hypnotized' state and it will become immobilized (for the most part).

This video shows what I'm talking about:>

If you don't feel comfortable trimming your rabbit's nails yourself or if your rabbit is too fussy, I HIGHLY suggest taking your rabbit to Petsmart or a pet store that grooms animals. They will cut the nails for you and I believe it costs less than $15. If they try and charge you more than that, go somewhere else. It usually only takes them 5-10min.How to cut my rabbit's nails?
i would buy some cat clippers and clip you rabbit nails. i clip my felines nails all the time.
if you use cat nail clippers they work the best when cutting their nails, really there is no easy way around it, but having someone to help restain is great, so you just have to work thru it and giving treats afterwards is good too
Use the same clippers as you would if you had to declaw your cat . It is hard to hold the bunny down because it is unnatural for them to be on their back. Be as gentle and may be talk to the bunny and stroke its fur to distract it.
I find that the best way is not to clip their nails on their back but have a firm grip, around their shoulders so they can't squirm around. Another way is to wrap them tightly in a towel. You can then do each paw individually with special rabbit nail clippers.
If you fence a ';run'; area off outside and put 2 or 3 inches of gravel down, the digging will quickly wear claws down naturally. BUT either the fence needs to start from a foot below ground level ,or you need to put a row of concrete blocks around perimeter below ground level or it will tunnel out in first day!

When my kids were young they had a rabbit,on condition it lived outside in hutch and enormous ';run i made for it. No expense spared, bales of hay, lettuces , carrots, 5 star luxury!

On a cold night I would find it in the house in the kids bedroom

';because it was cold outside!!!';
Try wrapping his body in a towel to minimize wiggling. This will help a lot with keeping him on his back.

How do you take off fake nails?

Hey all, i put on fake drugstore nails and i want them off? any suggestions for an unpainfull way?

THANK YOU!How do you take off fake nails?
well you take your Hands

move your hands to fake nails

Take fake nails

take of with your handHow do you take off fake nails?
just pour a bit of nail polish remover in a bowl and soak your nails in it for a few minutes and your nails should be able to come off easily or easier than usual.
well when I had them a long time ago my boyfriend took them off with a guitar pick.hah. You slip the pick between your real nail and the fake one, then you slowly push, and it comes off and it didn't even hurt =]
soak them in water with soap to make them soft, and get something sharp like tweezers to push under the back of the nail and slowly lift it up, it works for acrylic so idk why it wouldnt work for glue
soak them in acetone [you can get this at sally's beauty supply or just about any other beauty supply store] and then they will be loose enough to just pull off.

hope it helps:]
soak your hands in warm water for about 5 min, they ll come out easily

Were they pre glued or you glued them?? If pre glued they ll come out easily after soaking then in warm water
soak in fingernail polish remover until they get loose or soft. Then you can just pick them off PAINFREE
bring them to me and I will nibble them off for you
No, I don't wear fake natural nails grow nicely.

How do you get acrylic nails off without ruining the natural nail?

The best thing to do is go to a beauty store and buy acetone (strong nail polish) and soak your nails in the acetone. This will help you ';peel'; them off, then you can file and buff them down and you should be okay- as long as they didnt destroy your nails putting the tips on. Getting acrylic nails is not really good for your nail.. cause then your real nails cant breathe... but hey we make sacrifices to feel nice every day. This is usually the way I get them off.How do you get acrylic nails off without ruining the natural nail?
soak them in polish remover. It will eat up the acrylic, with out taking a layer of your nail bed off.How do you get acrylic nails off without ruining the natural nail?
You don't have to go to a beauty store to get acetone you can go to any Wal- Mart and get Pure acetone. It will be with nail polish remover. If you don't want to use acetone then you can use fingernail polish remover because it contains acetone it will just take longer. If you got your nails put on professionally you can usually go back there and they will take them off for 5 or 10 dollars.
If you make the mistake of peeling them off you will pay the price.
you don't. don't wear them in the first place.
what i did was get a small bowl of nail polish remover and soaked my fingers (up to end if nail so the nail soaks) in it, it takes forever, but eventually they sorta peel/fall off
no idea

Is it considered weird to paint your nails black?

i haven't done it, My nails are pink. haha(:

but i was just wondering.Is it considered weird to paint your nails black?
no of course not! i paint mine sometimes. black is a color. its dark but its cool and pretty....=)Is it considered weird to paint your nails black?
Short black nails are not weird-they're awesome. Except when they chip then they don't look so great.
Not really a-lot of girls do it.

Its just a trend that will come and go.
not really, short black nails are fine.
No it is normal, well I think so at least.
  • ink refills
  • How do I trim my kittens nails?

    I just got a baby kitten (rescued her). And her nails are very sharp, Can anyone tell me how to trim her nails please. Do I have to do a certain length? Can I hurt her doing it? Can I file them?How do I trim my kittens nails?
    Just use a regular human nail clipper; they fit in your hand easily and work well even on adult cats. Do just one or two nails at a sitting, with plenty of praise and petting, so your kitty doesn't get restless. Try trimming off JUST the sharp tip, rather than trying to get down close to the vein. The vein is like our ';quick'; and cutting into it will be painful, and may bleed. You need not file the nails, although you can.How do I trim my kittens nails?
    I just trimmed my kittens nails the other day: got tired of the nice little scratches all over. Here's how you do it:

    It is best to get a nail cutter made specially for animals; they're shaped better and usually come with medicine to rub on the nail just in case you cut too short.

    You can file them but that takes a long time and trying to hold a kitten for that long is near impossible.

    Cut JUST THE TIPS! Look at the claw and do you see some pink showing? That's flesh and it will hurt the kitten if you cut it that far back. Cut just the tips so that the claws are not sharp anymore. Have some medicine nearby just in case you do cut it too short: some are made specially to ease the pain and prevent infections.

    Good luck!
    Wait until your kitten falls asleep then start clipping. I always clip my cats claws while they're asleep and they rarely struggle!

    Don't cut past the quick, that's the pink part of the nail. Yes you can hurt her if you cut the quick, it will start bleeding so be very careful. Just cut the tips, the clear part of the nail.

    A pet nail clipper would be best. But if you don't have one you can use a human nail clipper but turn the clipper to the side so the claw doesn't split.

    You can file them after clipping if you want but there's really no need to do it.

    Hope this helps!
    This is a trick endeavor, but one that can be mastered. I use a baby nail clippers and only cut off to the curve of the nail. Kittens tend to have very thin and pointy nails so it shouldn't take much effot. Do be careful to not cut too short or it will bleed and hurt the kitten.
    Here is a good decription.

    Trimming their claws is easy and if you start while they are young and do it often they won't even think it's a bother when they are older. One trick is not to push them to fast. If they seem restless, stop for a while (like 1/2 hour or so) and do some more later. Add teeth brushing to the same ';Sitting'; and call it their ';spa day'; :)
    You can buy nail clippers at the pet store, and to tell how long you look at the vain in the nail and clip just a little over the vain.

    If you need to ask anymore questions you should go to the vet the pet store or ask me.
    Here's a link to an article that should answer your question...

    How to have strong and nice nails?

    what should i do to have a strong and lengthy nail?How to have strong and nice nails?
    try olive oil.. and soak u're nails on it for few minutes

    it makes u're nail strong

    better luck! :)How to have strong and nice nails?
    Knox Gelatin. You can find this in the canning section of the grocery store just follow directions on the box. Works great. Brewer's Yeast (Vitamin) is excellent for hair and nails. Keeping cuticles moist is great 2 use vitamin E oil on them.
    put some milk n lemon juice in a cup or sumthin n dip ur nails in d solution n ur nail tips will naturally turn white(like after 2 or 3 times)

    den remove ol d chipped off nail polish n put transparent nail polish on ur fingers den u apply sum nail0cuticle(or whitener) on ur nail tips n put a coat of transparent nail-polish again after d nail cuticle or whitener

    den u can buy some nail stickers from any shop
    gelatin or jello at least once a week.........the gelatin can be disolved in juice or added to soup or sauce, the jello, well, just pick a flavor and enjoy a few a kid again!! all in the name of great nails.
    with regular manicure,first apply coconut oil on the nail wash it with hot lime water and in you diet increase two banana and or one apple per day.
    Just Have nutrious foods.

    due to food you can control your body as you need. if your fore fathers also has thin nail means its heriditory
    Well file them and use nail growth formulas
    How should I know? Ask a Beauty Therapist. Go get an arranged marrage freak!
    rub lime nd glisrine on ur nails.

    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    How can i stop biting my nails , and the skin around them?

    Help , and if u kno any products , can you tell me where they are from thankyou, ;')How can i stop biting my nails , and the skin around them?
    put lemon juice on your nails. it tastes sour.How can i stop biting my nails , and the skin around them?
    okay well idk if it might help but im going to have to gross you out a little here please go to this site and when your about to put your dirty nails in your mouth think about this site. and if it doesnt work your really gross lol not to be mean and you can try putting like rubbin onions on your nails for a while to stop you from your temt. it works with little kids because they eventually get grossed out by the taste.

    There is a special polish called Mavala Stop-Nail Biting and Thumb Sucking Prevention. its polish you put on your nails and nail bed and it taste really bad!
    In the summer, pick dandelions. It helped me stop biting them and sucking on my thumb.

    How do i stop biting my nails?

    I am 19 and i have been biting my nails since i cant remember! I want to stop and i've tried using those bad taste products but it still doesnt work. I have tried growing them for a bit but then when one started braking i ended up chewing all of them off :(.... need help!!!

    Also what products can i use to strengthen my nails that really work. I have tried those sally h. ones but they dont workHow do i stop biting my nails?
    here are some tips which worked so well for me! i finally painted my nails again after agesss today because they are finally long! :D>How do i stop biting my nails?
    You are a little too old to be biting nails, so i think that it's really time to STOP! I'm not kidding. Now, many people bite their nails and then it gets to a habit. That is unfortuanately what happened to you.

    Here are some tips ...

    1.) Get a manicure. Go to the salon and ask for long nails. You can't bite them! Atleast for 3-4 weeks have those fake nails on, you can't take them off remember!

    2.) Think! Why do you bite your nails? When did i start? Did i ever stop? How did i stop? How did i get back to the habit?

    Reminder: Sally H. works, buy the one that says ';Strengethens Nail Enemal'; use for a month, and your nails will get stronger.

    I hope i helped. These tips are good. Use them wisely.
    There is a stuff that is sold at the drugstore that you put ion your nails and it taste really it does not work,do what a friend of mine did,pamper your nails every day, soak them in water and olive oil,cut out the cuticle (gently please) and apply a base coat to your nails...this will sound silly since you probably don't have nails to beggin with but after putting all that work for your nails you won't want to do anything to damage them,and since you are taking care of them you will see results within weeks...once you see your nails growing and looking better you definitely be encouraged to leave them alone!!
    I've been biting my nails since I can remember and I'm 18 now. When I put bad-tasting stuff on them, I get really stressed and can think of nothing but biting my nails. Try having something in your pocket (a stress ball or something) you can squeeze whenever you feel the impulse to bite. I haven't tried it yet, but I hear it's very effective.
    Book yourself in for a proper maincure from a professional nail salon from a fully qualified nail technician. DO NOT attempt to cut your cuticle or eponychium as a previous poster has suggested. Please see a reputable professional nail tech, they will be able to advise you as to the best possible way to grow your nails. Some even have a course of treatments available specifically designed for nail biters, helping them break the nail biting habit.
    The best thing to do is to always occupy your hands. when your hands are idle and just sitting there, that's when you bite them. Also try looking at other people who bite their nails because when you actually see it, you get disgusted by it and try to quit.

    Another thing you can try is get a manicure. When your nails look nice and pretty, you'd rather not bite them. :)

    This is all coming from a seasoned nail biter who quit last year. Good luck! ;)
    I have the EXACT same problem...minus the fact that I'm two years younger than you.

    What my friend did (and what I'm going to try soon) is she got fake nails done and kept them on for about two months (getting them filled and such), then by the time she took them off her nails were pretty long (well, they showed a lot of white at least).

    Then she used one of those nail strengthening kits (with the four-sided buffer thing...most beauty supply places should have them) to get them to look healthy since the fake nails make original nails look bad.

    I guess this worked for her because by the time she got the nails off she had broken her habbit, not getting satisfaction out of biting the fake ones.

    Hope this works for both of us!
    My sister is answering this.

    What you have to do is get a manicure. you won't want to bite your nails because they will look soooo pretty.

    If you want to make your nails stonger try using french manicure and also you can apply french maniure then apply the nail polish then apply french manicure again.
    Thie really works. All you need is Tabasco sauce and clear nail polish. Pour some of hot sauce into the polish. Apply the polish on your nails. If you try to bite them, they will taste hot. It'd be a sharp reminder to keep your nails out of your mouth.
    its a habit that a lot of people including myself have, just try putting some nail polish on them thangs, it may prevent you from biting em a little bit
    Nail Tek products work really well. You can find them in salons or stores like Trade Secret.
    im 20 and i to have been bitting my nails sinse i can remember

    i havent been able to stop

    its like an addiction!

    if you find a way let me know
    i used to bite mine 2! but i stopped cause i got braces and it was relly hard to but enless u want braces try puttin a rubber band around ur wrists and snap when u bite!
  • ink refills
  • How can I do aesthetics and nails?

    I want to go to school for aesthetics and nails but dont I need a room for aesthetics and a desk for nails? Is the only way I can do both is if a rent a booth at a salon with an available room? Where can I get these questions answered? I cant find a beauty chat room.... thanksHow can I do aesthetics and nails?
    If your not licensed, Then you would have to take one course, Then the other, or you can take the Cosmetology Course and become licensed in Hair, Nails and Skin(Esthetics.). You wouldn't go to a Salon to work till you graduate, You would go to a Cosmetology School and they would have all the set up you need.

    When you get a job, You may have to do one or the other, Or if your lucky, You may be able to do both if the girl is hiring for both, or has the room.

    How often should you get acrylic nails completely re done?

    Once a month...your nails grow and need to breathe a bit, so take the fakes off and let your hands have a rest...How often should you get acrylic nails completely re done?
    get a fill-in every two weeks and get them re-done every four weeks. hope that helps

    How do you put on Artificial Nails?

    I bought some fake nails, and I need to know how to put them on. Is the curved part 'in' your nails or the 'length' of your nails? I'M SO CONFUSED!How do you put on Artificial Nails?
    My tips to get home nails to stay on.

    Wash your hands want to remove all traces of grease or oils. While your hands are still damp gently push back your cuticles.

    Match the fake nails to your own as closely as possible, shape them to fit the sides and cuticle area. Never go for a nail that's on the small side or it will ping off and can cause permanent damage to your own nail. If there isn't a match go a size up and file down to fit.

    Score the underside of the fake nail with a nail file...cross hatch scoring, this aids the adhesion.

    Lay all nails out in the order that you will be using them...on a stable flat surface, no good sitting down and scattering them.

    After all this wash your hands again, your fingers and nails are constantly releasing oils.

    Rub your natural nail with a cotton bud dipped in acetone, your nail should turn a milky colour, this is dehydrating your natural nail plate temporarily but really makes a difference.

    Spread a small amount of good quality nail glue on fake nail and place on to your nail, press and hold for 10-15 this with all 10

    Voila... a set of fakes that should last for around 10 days

    Ask the chemist for acetone, its pretty cheap but its kept behind the counterHow do you put on Artificial Nails?
    You should tidy up your cuticles first, soak them in warm water for 5 minutes and push them back gently. Find the best fitting nails and do a dry run with the fake nails first. When you go to put them on for real, remember to use only a small drop of glue, there's no need to use a lot which would only make them impossible to take off later. Before you put them on it might be good to take a file and tidy the nails for a better fit. Most fake nails you buy come square shaped and pretty long so you might want to shape them. Not too sure what you mean by the curved part but it shouldn't be a problem. Good luck!

    Saturday, September 14, 2013

    What is another way file your nails?

    I don't have a regular nail file and I really need to file my nails. Is there anything else I can use to file them?What is another way file your nails?
    sandpaper or a knife edge, no joke like a dinner knife the little ridges on the edge.What is another way file your nails?
    Sand paper? Bricks? KNIVES?! Oh my gosh, they all sound brutal :(

    I don't know why you can't get a regular nail file... they sell them in a pack of 10 for a buck at any drug store.

    I can't suggest any alternatives, but I can tell you that if you use any of the alternatives the other answerers suggested, you'll just rough up your nails and they'll snag onto everything.
    I have filed my nails on a brick wall and sandpaper before :)

    How long should my dog's nails be?

    I want my dog to be happy, and I know how annoying long fingernails can be. Imagine if you couldn't clip your own nails when you wanted to! It would totally suck.How long should my dog's nails be?
    Vet or groomer can do it regularly. Mine charges 7.50 to clip the nails, and even sometimes just does it without charge as a part of the visit. Have it done at least monthly.How long should my dog's nails be?
    Dogs nails no longer than the pads, this causes them not to walk normal, interferes with the natural gait.

    If they are let go and get too long, you need to slowly trim back, not all at once, you could hurt the dog.

    Take to a groomer and begin getting them in shape.

    the pecking on floors, if you can hear the nails hitting the floor then they are too long, way to long.....

    good luck

    Be careful, do not trim back too far too fast, you can hit a vein and cause pain and bleeding to your baby.
    Ideally, they shouldn't hit the floor, so no longer than the paw pads are deep. However, if they've been allowed to grow longer than that, then the quicks have as well and you will need to work them back slowly.

    It's not just annoying, it changes the dog's gait when the nails are too long, because weight is being borne by the nails instead of the pads. It can realy mess a dog up! In the winter, a dog with overly long nails will rip the paw pads because the weight of the dog is borne on the nails when it's icy. They tear where they meet the nails. So yes, you need to stay on top of the nails for health reasons, not only cosmetic.

    ETA: They don't wear themselves down naturally unless your dog is always on a hard, abrasive surface like concrete. Even then, they won't all wear evenly. You do need to trim them.
    If your dog is active, dont worry about his nails, theyll take care of themselves as his feet move around. If not, cut to just before the quik. Im sure there are pictures online. The quik is a vein in the foot. If you cut the tip of it off, the nail will bleed and it will hurt your dog more than leaving his nails long.
    they should be any length but never curling undernieth. the tip of the nail should be flat against the ground so as soon as you nothice any kind of curling, clip the nail straight across or take him for a run on a sidewalk.
    you shouldn't hear your dog's nail scratchin against the floor when its walkin around your house...if you do, this means your dog needs nail trimming as its already too long.> ;D
    1.5 cm if longer take it out for a walk or trim them a bit
    As long as you can tolerate.
    this long


    or exactly 273mm

    What colors should I paint my nails accoring to the season?

    List the colors that you should paint your nails during these seasons :

    Summer -

    Fall -


    Spring -

    THANKKK YOUU(:What colors should I paint my nails accoring to the season?
    summer- bright colors like orange, blue, yellow, purple

    fall- red, dark orange, green, darker colors

    winter- blue, green, red.

    spring- again bright colors

    good luck =]
  • recipes cream
  • Which works better for strengthening your nails: Vaseline or vegetable oil?

    my nails are weak and i';v heard both work but i want to know which works better. please help!, my nails are counting on u!Which works better for strengthening your nails: Vaseline or vegetable oil?
    I haven't heard if vaseline or cooking oil will help strengthen your nails.

    I have however heard anything with gelatin will improve the strength of your nails. So add jello or pudding to your diet and this will help.

    If you need something a little faster I do like the Sally Hansen ';Hard as Nails'; nail products. You can find them at just about any store.Which works better for strengthening your nails: Vaseline or vegetable oil?
    I've never heard of these two as nail strengtheners but I think the vegetable oil makes a little more sense. Try a Sally Hansen product (one comes in a gold bottle, I've used it and I liked it) and try not to wet your nails for extended periods of time. I've heard that vitamin E (biotin) is good for hair, skin and nails and make sure you're eating a well-balanced diet. Switch your nail polish remover to one without acetone and don't repaint them too frequently (once a week with touch-ups should suffice). Good luck! :]
    Forget both. What you need is a vitamin supplement containing calcium and vitamin D. And make sure you're getting calcium through drinking milk and eating yogort.

    Good luck!

    Where can one get Glitter gel nails done in the Greensboro, NC area?

    I have been interested in getting this done on my nails, but I can't find anyone in the area that does anything other than standard gel nails...Thanks in advance for any answers provided.Where can one get Glitter gel nails done in the Greensboro, NC area?
    Ewwww, tacky! Stick with a classic nail look. Fake nails are gross.

    When people die, can their hair and nails keep growing?

    I think I've read this somewhere that your hair and nails keep growing after death. Is this true? Thanks for your answers.When people die, can their hair and nails keep growing?
    nope.When people die, can their hair and nails keep growing?
    no, but the hair and nails cannot be decompose
    Its not that your nails and hair are growin...OH WAIT EVERYONE ELSE ALREADY SAID THAT A BILLION TIMES. Please people dont post just to post..If someone answered it dont put the same thing down sheesh!
    It's a common urban legend that hair and fingernails keep growing after death. They may look like they are growing a little, if so it is actually the skin receding that causes the effect. is a great website to look to for debunking urban legends. The link to their page about this topic is below.
    well technically there will be like a few milliseconds between when you are technically dead and when the nails and **** stops growing
    i dont think so bcoz growin process occurs due to biological process in body cells if we die all process stops so how can they grow

    i may be wrong but i think no growth is there

    Hair and fingernails aren't actually growing. Dead is dead. The only things growing after you're dead are worms, bacteria, and flowers. What is happening, however, is that the skin around the hair and fingernails will desiccate (i.e., lose water) and thereby shrink. When the skin shrinks, it retracts, making hair and fingernails look longer, as if they'd grown.

    Think of it this way: a fifty foot tree grows in ten feet of swamp water. The visible part of the tree is 40' tall. A few months later, a drought causes the water level to drop five feet. Now the visible part of the tree is 45' tall. Did the tree grow in a drought? No, but you can see why people would think it did.

    Hope that helps, and remember, don't try this at home!
    It's not so much that your hair and nails are still growing, than it is your skin is shriveling up and decomposing. It's impossible for any part of your body to function, or grow after death. True, it may seem like their still growing, but it's really just dead flesh beggining to decompose, and shriveling up and away from the nails, hair, and everything else.
    No because there cells die out too.
    no its impossible b/c after death every cell became demage
    ya it is true because they are not provided by scissors and nailcutters.We are not knowing it as no one is opening coffins.
    When someone dies the body becomes dehydrated which result to shrinking. Hair and nails appear to have grown over a period of time because of this phenomenon. But its just the dessication of the dead body.. Nothing special.
    Their hair and nails do not keep growing.

    What happens is that the surrounding tissues recess, and it makes it appear that the nails and hair have grown.
    Yes .. and no.

    It's not that the hair and nails grow, it's that the skin and body shrink and contract, making the hair and nails extend further ... in a sense, growing, although they're technically not grown at all.

    What color should I paint my nails?

    Should I paint them black, or should I paint them a gothic looking red?What color should I paint my nails?
    red with a lightning zigzag in black down the middle. go 4 it.What color should I paint my nails?
    Nice choices...

    I love/have both... go for goth red that is what I'm in the mood to paint mine...

    question? what brand do you have for goth red? I have one but its not as dark as I'd like it.. I want a colour that is like dark vampire blood red
    Like ohhhhmygawd.

    neither. because both colors are about as ugly as hell.

    Pink. or bright yellow.

    PS! You can't ask a question what color should I paint my nails if theres only two colors. then it'd be a poll . DUHHHH
    get fake nails they look so much better!

    Answer Mine Please.>
    ummm sure those sound nice lol

    mine are white at the moment. I like white. oorrr have you tried like darker purplish and bluish colors? they acually looke really pretty. Most of them have like russian names.
    gothic looking red :)
    i mean what's ever good for you.... or you should just get black and red since you can not pick what you want
    depends on the occassion

    for a night party black

    for any other reason red
    black :)
    I like black. Always very cool looking.
    the Gothic red would look good.
    red. It shows more detail in a person and it is attractive
    Black. That seems more gothic.
    wow, thats amazing.
    how about rainbow
    red would look nice :D
    you should paint them lime green!!..

    black! (:
    Dark purple! =]
    it depends on the colour of the clothes you're wearing ;)

    both are great.

    or blue!i love that colour.

    How to get your nails back to normal after having acrylic nails removed ?

    i just got my acrylic nails removed and my nails are crazy thin and all bumpy and like all layery!! is there any way i can get them like normal agin or just to look better with out spending alot of money! so thanks guys for the help :DDDHow to get your nails back to normal after having acrylic nails removed ?
    I've had acrylic nails three times. but sorry to say but no all you can do is wait. If their all bumpy just use a buffer (you can buy one at walmart for like 2 dollars), don't use it too much though because they'll just get thinner. but they'll grow pretty fast. Just remember time is the healer for all things!

    Good Luck,

    ChasityHow to get your nails back to normal after having acrylic nails removed ?
    You can get a nail buffer, which is a four-sided resurfacing tool that will smooth your nails and stimulate growth. They cost between ten and twenty dollars and can be found online. You can also get Sally Hansen Hard as Nails to help you out while they're regrowing. Otherwise, all you can do is wait until they grow back out.
    I would recommend Nailtiques Stage 2. Use it as directed and your nails will be stronger in no time. Also, use a buffer to help with the roughness.
    try to drink more milk, it will make your nails more think and pretty :)

    and don't bite them... that is the worst thing you can do

    When you bite your finger nails, do you notice that you swallowed the bitten nails?

    When you bite your finger nails, do you notice that you swallowed the bitten nails?When you bite your finger nails, do you notice that you swallowed the bitten nails?
    i bite my finger nails but i don't swallow them.........When you bite your finger nails, do you notice that you swallowed the bitten nails?
    I bite my nails but I have swaalowed one and you will know because your throat will continuously have a little tickle....

    Report Abuse

    i spit them out but then sometimes i do a lil bit and then im like yuck but oh well it happens
    I do bite my finger nails. But on no reason why I should be swallowing them. I am a singer, and if I were to swallow them, I would have to have serious damage from the vocal chords.
    I've bitten my nails since i had my first teeth and never been able to stop, have always eaten them too, no idea why- not like they taste of anything LOL. Just something i do without realising i'm doing it half the time.
    not until the next day when something scratches my bung hole on the way out. Ouch! Good thing it's still not on my finger.
    You never have to swallowthe bitten finger nails, maybe if u find them intresting to break them further. That tempts you to swallowing them

    Any easy ways to stop biting your nails?

    I have been biting my fingernails for 9 years and can't seem to stop. Does anyone have any eay ways to quit? Please help me!!Any easy ways to stop biting your nails?
    Paint your nails with a nasty tasting clear nail polish.

    You can find it in the nail aisle of any store.

    Also, maybe try taking some calcium supplements. A sign of needing calcium is biting your nails because they are pure calcium.Any easy ways to stop biting your nails?
    Keep your nails polished and buffed. When they start to grow, make sure to keep them shaped with an emory board. You can also put on some hand lotion when you're tempted to bite your nails.
    Go to weekly manicuers and let them put red (or any very standout colour) on your nails, possibly nailart too. And scheduele your next appiotment right away. Helps from more reasons - bright colour discourages you to bite it, you'll be embarrased to go to same nail salon every week with your nails bitten, you'll like your new nails too much to bite them and you definitely won't like to throw your money away for service you would ruin. Worked for me, good luck!
    put dog **** on your nels ???????
    They sell a polish at Eckerds, CVS, etc, that is very bitter. It's to help you lose the urge to bite them.
    nail biting is a habit. I broke my habit by paying for and maintaining acrylic nails for six months. I don't need the acrylic anymore, and I don't chew my nails anymore either.

    How do you get your 9 year old daughter to stop biting her finger nails?

    It depends on what will motivate her to stop, and why she's doing it in the first place. I was a habitual nail-biter since age 6 or so, and my parents tried everything! Rubber band around the wrist to distract me from biting, the polish that tastes bad (this may be a good option!) and multiple rewards and punishments. Is your daughter biting because she's nervous or scared about something, or is it just a habit that she doesn't even realize she's doing?

    Good luck. . . . it's a hard habit to quit!How do you get your 9 year old daughter to stop biting her finger nails?

    They make this sort of special nail polish. It stays on your nails for a while. the thing is it smells TERRIBLE and when you put your hand to your face you automatically pull your hand away cause it stinks!


    you could show her how pretty it is to have long nails and how she can paint them all different colors...maybe encourage her by going out and buying her a set of different colored nail polishes...

    but! remeber dark colors arnt good for your nails it keeps sunlight from being absorbed by them.How do you get your 9 year old daughter to stop biting her finger nails?
    Do something fun like taking her out and getting her nails done.
    do her nails paint them pretty girl colors light pinks, red, purples, what ever her fave color is. and make a huge deal out of keeping her nails looking good. don't tell her why though just do it and don't nag (never works, ask our own parents). just make sure every 3-4 days her nails are always kept pretty, she will stop biting them.
    Confront your problem. Get a camera and take some pictures of your bitten fingernails. Examine your nails, and list their problems.

    Visualize yourself with healthy nails, and how great they will look.

    Pick at least one nail to ';protect'; at a time.

    After a few days, an unbitten nail will flourish and reward you. Do not bite it. If you must, bite one of the 'unprotected' ones.

    Once you have grown your unbitten nail for a while, start protecting another one. And another.

    Record your progress in a notebook or photo album. Take ';before and after'; photos of your nails and put them in the book to keep you motivated. Recognizing that it usually takes takes three weeks to grow nails half a centimeter, chart out in the book how long you want your nails to be by a certain date.

    Eat calcium- and magnesium- rich foods so that your nails will repair and grow well. Not only that, but most of the reason that the human body wants to bite nails is the lack of calcium and magnesium in the body and the body needs that material back.

    Push your cuticles back. Many nail-biters do not have ';moons'; on the base of their fingernails because their cuticles have not been pushed back. To do this, gently push your cuticles towards your finger to reveal more of your nail. This is easier to do after a shower when your hands and nails are wet. This makes the nail appear longer, and it gives a more attractive shape, which might also be a motivation to stop biting.

    Find a habit to take the place of nail biting. Whenever you have the urge to bite, do that instead. Some people like to drum their fingers, or just stare at their hands. Just make sure it's not a bad habit; choose a helpful one or one that doesn't really matter either way. 'Bitrex' is a chemical that is put in products to make them taste foul, obtained from your local pharmacy. It's included in nibble inhibitors that you paint on to your nails. Carry some with you at all times. Apply your nasty solution several times a day. If you get used to the taste, choose another brand.

    Distract your mouth. Eat carrot sticks to keep you busy. Keep a stick of gum handy for those weak moments.

    No more idle hands..Distract your hands by taking up a hobby.

    A hobby to distract your hands might be making models or maintaining your house, knitting or crochet, running or other outside pursuits, or even nail care and decoration!

    For those whose nail biting is obsessive/compulsive it may help to approach your hobby obsessively.

    Cover your nails. For females, fit artificial nails. They can really help. For guys, polish them and apply some shine/growth promoter or petroleum jelly. It's harder to bite nails that are looking great!

    Keep gloves in your back pocket and wear them when you want to bite.

    Put little pieces of tape on the ends of your fingers, to remind yourself how destructive biting is.

    If you have any surplus growth, cut your nails back. Keep clippers with you at all times. You can't bite if there's nothing there!

    Speaking about your nails will help to focus your mind on your goals. Ask for help from your partner(s). Keep talking about your goals.

    Show off your improved nails, and get much-needed encouragement and praise from your peers.

    Be proud of your improving nails. They will shine with beauty.

    Go for a manicure, and chat with the manicurist about having great nails.

    If you are male and you go in for a manicure and anyone gives you grief for not being manly, just say you are taking radical steps, whatever it takes. That should be manly enough for anyone.

    Keep looking after your nails, with cuticle oil, shine and growth promoter, and no biting!

    Get to know yourself, the first step is to be conscious when you start biting your nails. Feel your anxiety or stress levels.

    Don't start thinking there is a short term solution. To stop nail biting, one requires patience and awareness.

    Use an emery board to file when ever you feel like biting. Even if you file them down to nothing, it's better then chewing into your nail bed. Ouch!

    Try using a coating that seals moisture in the nail and repels water and dirt. Oils or even waxy lip balm can be effective at softening nails.

    Keep going with the program, any setbacks should be confronted as quickly as possible, to prevent a complete relapse.

    Let white spots grow out gently. They are caused by blows or stress to the nail.

    Take magnesium pills, one a day. They strengthen the nails and make them hard.

    Try keeping an ';egg'; of Silly Putty with you! It is fun to play with and it occupies your hands during biting-prone times like while watching movies or television or sitting in class. Or you can try keeping a quarter or other coin in your pocket, and play with it when you feel the urge to bite your nails. Plus, these don't involve eating or chewing on anything, so they will help break the habit of oral fixation.

    Challenge yourself: how many hours can you go without taking a bite? When you break a previous record, get yourself a treat. Then see: can you go a day? Three days? a week? two weeks?

    Clean, manicured nails will be such an improvement to your self-esteem. You'll see!

    If the habit is unconscious (i.e., you don't even notice yourself starting to do it), consider using NLP or hypnotherapy - practitioners will know some great techniques for retraining your mind very quickly and easily to remove unwanted habits.

    See if you can notice how or when you decide to start biting. There may be an underlying cause of stress, nerves or boredom perhaps. Dealing with the underlying and real issue could stop the nail biting and more.

    Try chewing gum to keep your mouth busy.

    You might also want to try putting nail polish on. Since it tastes so bad, you won't want to bite your nails anymore.

    As your nails/skin grow, they will seem puffy and itchy. This is normal! This fudge-finger sensation will go away in time.

    Clean your nails! Part of the reason you bite them is because they are dirty. Buff then, scrub them, clean them. This will make you appreciate them more.

    If you are artistic, try doing projects with clay or plaster. It gets all over your hands, and the flavour stays in your nails (and all over your hands) long after you wash off any visible mess. They both taste bad to many people (clay tastes salty and can leave a slimy texture and plaster tastes chalky) and doing the projects will also keep your hands busy.

    Put nail jewels on your nails. These are hard to bite, and the risk of one coming off in your mouth may scare you into quitting your habit.

    Remember that long ago, people used to think that bitten nails got lodged in people's intestines (to this day some parents still tell their children this). Even though we know now that this is not actually true, it's a gross thing to think about as you chew...

    Don't be silly and replace nail-biting with a worse habit. While stubby digits are unhealthy and painful, other habits can be worse.

    Chewing your fingernails invites infection.

    Brittle nails can be caused by strong detergents and chemicals, sun exposure, poor diet, or prolonged use of nail hardeners. Avoid the use of hardeners containing formaldehyde, which has a drying effect on nails.

    Remember beauty is only skin deep. As is ugly. Telling yourself you are ugly will only undermine your self esteem and keep you from being your best. Tell yourself instead that you are a special person and that you deserve to have healthy looking nails too.
    you can buy this nail polish that is really nasty!!!! and when she bites her nails she will hate it. if she doesn;t let u out it on her nails then do it when she is asleep. well i hope i helped.
    Biting nails is a bad habit... but people do it to reduce stress. If you really want her to stop, make sure she trims her fingernails short and often, and tell her if she stops biting them, that you will treat her to a manicure. You could also give her that special nail polish that tastes bad and smells bad or dip her nails in something gross that tastes bad, like vinegar.
    it might seem punishing, but if she don't like spicy food ...put something on her nails like hotsauce...or even putting tape on her finger tips...just put something on them or cut them low so she won't be able to get to them
    Well, my step sister was a real bad nail-biter, and my parents used to dip her fingers in viniger, that worked preaty well.
  • recipes cream
  • Whats the diffrence between Acrylic nails and Gel nails?

    I ask this question because I heard that if you get acyrlic on your nails

    it can help them grow.Whats the diffrence between Acrylic nails and Gel nails?
    The difference is that gel nails are more natural and a lot easier on your natural nail. Acrylics are much more harsh on your nail and make your natural nail much weaker than they were before you put the acrylics on.

    Can i paint on gel nails and remove with normal nail varnish remover?

    No, not if they are UV gel nails. Those require a UV lamp, and cannot be soaked off. While there are a couple of nail gels available that are soakable, and do not require a UV lamp, these gels are not any good. Don't waste your time or money on them.Can i paint on gel nails and remove with normal nail varnish remover?
    you need to but the correct varnish remover

    boots sell itCan i paint on gel nails and remove with normal nail varnish remover?
    no, you'll ruin them if u use an normal remover
    if its acetone free nail varnish your nails will be fine
    as long as you use an acetone free remover...
    the varnish remover will ruin the false nails so I suggest that you dont do that
    It will only work with an acetone free nail varnish remover x
    You have to make sure that you use non-acetone nail polish remover with acrylic nails, so I assume the same goes for gel nails as well.
  • recipes cream
  • What are the white spots on peoples' nails?

    I was taking my nail polish off the other day, and everyone has had this, but there are these white spots down near your cuticles.. what IS that? I've always wondered.What are the white spots on peoples' nails?
    The white spots are called Leukonychia, the presence of white spots on the nail surface, is very common. It's often caused by a minor trauma to the nail bed or matrix. The white spots grow out as the nail grows.

    Hope this helps ~BonWhat are the white spots on peoples' nails?
    The white spots on peoples' nails is a zinc deficiency thats why those white spots come up so take some zinc baby! it will help.
    I read somewhere that they are like bruises to your nails.
    calcium deposits


    ok i was wrong :-p

    What is the force in newtons acting on a 2.2 kg package of nails that falls off a roof and is on its way to th

    It's weight mg =22.56 newtonsWhat is the force in newtons acting on a 2.2 kg package of nails that falls off a roof and is on its way to th
    Force =mass * acceleration

    if it falls ON EARTH without any disturbance of wind and other friction ,then you can take acceleration=9.81m/s^2-acceleration due to gravity


    =21.582 N

    What's the best type of acrylic nails?

    I would just like your opinion of what the best type of acrylic nails are. and If you could give a reason why thatd be awesome :)What's the best type of acrylic nails?
    I always prefer natural nails if possible. If you are interested in acrylic nails, I'd ask someone whose nails you admire where they had them applied, and go there - word of mouth is often one of the best recommendations.

    What is the force in newtons acting on a 2.2 kg package of nails that falls off a roof and is on its way to th

    It's weight mg =22.56 newtonsWhat is the force in newtons acting on a 2.2 kg package of nails that falls off a roof and is on its way to th
    Force =mass * acceleration

    if it falls ON EARTH without any disturbance of wind and other friction ,then you can take acceleration=9.81m/s^2-acceleration due to gravity


    =21.582 N

    How do you get your 9 year old daughter to stop biting her finger nails?

    It depends on what will motivate her to stop, and why she's doing it in the first place. I was a habitual nail-biter since age 6 or so, and my parents tried everything! Rubber band around the wrist to distract me from biting, the polish that tastes bad (this may be a good option!) and multiple rewards and punishments. Is your daughter biting because she's nervous or scared about something, or is it just a habit that she doesn't even realize she's doing?

    Good luck. . . . it's a hard habit to quit!How do you get your 9 year old daughter to stop biting her finger nails?

    They make this sort of special nail polish. It stays on your nails for a while. the thing is it smells TERRIBLE and when you put your hand to your face you automatically pull your hand away cause it stinks!


    you could show her how pretty it is to have long nails and how she can paint them all different colors...maybe encourage her by going out and buying her a set of different colored nail polishes...

    but! remeber dark colors arnt good for your nails it keeps sunlight from being absorbed by them.How do you get your 9 year old daughter to stop biting her finger nails?
    Do something fun like taking her out and getting her nails done.
    do her nails paint them pretty girl colors light pinks, red, purples, what ever her fave color is. and make a huge deal out of keeping her nails looking good. don't tell her why though just do it and don't nag (never works, ask our own parents). just make sure every 3-4 days her nails are always kept pretty, she will stop biting them.
    Confront your problem. Get a camera and take some pictures of your bitten fingernails. Examine your nails, and list their problems.

    Visualize yourself with healthy nails, and how great they will look.

    Pick at least one nail to ';protect'; at a time.

    After a few days, an unbitten nail will flourish and reward you. Do not bite it. If you must, bite one of the 'unprotected' ones.

    Once you have grown your unbitten nail for a while, start protecting another one. And another.

    Record your progress in a notebook or photo album. Take ';before and after'; photos of your nails and put them in the book to keep you motivated. Recognizing that it usually takes takes three weeks to grow nails half a centimeter, chart out in the book how long you want your nails to be by a certain date.

    Eat calcium- and magnesium- rich foods so that your nails will repair and grow well. Not only that, but most of the reason that the human body wants to bite nails is the lack of calcium and magnesium in the body and the body needs that material back.

    Push your cuticles back. Many nail-biters do not have ';moons'; on the base of their fingernails because their cuticles have not been pushed back. To do this, gently push your cuticles towards your finger to reveal more of your nail. This is easier to do after a shower when your hands and nails are wet. This makes the nail appear longer, and it gives a more attractive shape, which might also be a motivation to stop biting.

    Find a habit to take the place of nail biting. Whenever you have the urge to bite, do that instead. Some people like to drum their fingers, or just stare at their hands. Just make sure it's not a bad habit; choose a helpful one or one that doesn't really matter either way. 'Bitrex' is a chemical that is put in products to make them taste foul, obtained from your local pharmacy. It's included in nibble inhibitors that you paint on to your nails. Carry some with you at all times. Apply your nasty solution several times a day. If you get used to the taste, choose another brand.

    Distract your mouth. Eat carrot sticks to keep you busy. Keep a stick of gum handy for those weak moments.

    No more idle hands..Distract your hands by taking up a hobby.

    A hobby to distract your hands might be making models or maintaining your house, knitting or crochet, running or other outside pursuits, or even nail care and decoration!

    For those whose nail biting is obsessive/compulsive it may help to approach your hobby obsessively.

    Cover your nails. For females, fit artificial nails. They can really help. For guys, polish them and apply some shine/growth promoter or petroleum jelly. It's harder to bite nails that are looking great!

    Keep gloves in your back pocket and wear them when you want to bite.

    Put little pieces of tape on the ends of your fingers, to remind yourself how destructive biting is.

    If you have any surplus growth, cut your nails back. Keep clippers with you at all times. You can't bite if there's nothing there!

    Speaking about your nails will help to focus your mind on your goals. Ask for help from your partner(s). Keep talking about your goals.

    Show off your improved nails, and get much-needed encouragement and praise from your peers.

    Be proud of your improving nails. They will shine with beauty.

    Go for a manicure, and chat with the manicurist about having great nails.

    If you are male and you go in for a manicure and anyone gives you grief for not being manly, just say you are taking radical steps, whatever it takes. That should be manly enough for anyone.

    Keep looking after your nails, with cuticle oil, shine and growth promoter, and no biting!

    Get to know yourself, the first step is to be conscious when you start biting your nails. Feel your anxiety or stress levels.

    Don't start thinking there is a short term solution. To stop nail biting, one requires patience and awareness.

    Use an emery board to file when ever you feel like biting. Even if you file them down to nothing, it's better then chewing into your nail bed. Ouch!

    Try using a coating that seals moisture in the nail and repels water and dirt. Oils or even waxy lip balm can be effective at softening nails.

    Keep going with the program, any setbacks should be confronted as quickly as possible, to prevent a complete relapse.

    Let white spots grow out gently. They are caused by blows or stress to the nail.

    Take magnesium pills, one a day. They strengthen the nails and make them hard.

    Try keeping an ';egg'; of Silly Putty with you! It is fun to play with and it occupies your hands during biting-prone times like while watching movies or television or sitting in class. Or you can try keeping a quarter or other coin in your pocket, and play with it when you feel the urge to bite your nails. Plus, these don't involve eating or chewing on anything, so they will help break the habit of oral fixation.

    Challenge yourself: how many hours can you go without taking a bite? When you break a previous record, get yourself a treat. Then see: can you go a day? Three days? a week? two weeks?

    Clean, manicured nails will be such an improvement to your self-esteem. You'll see!

    If the habit is unconscious (i.e., you don't even notice yourself starting to do it), consider using NLP or hypnotherapy - practitioners will know some great techniques for retraining your mind very quickly and easily to remove unwanted habits.

    See if you can notice how or when you decide to start biting. There may be an underlying cause of stress, nerves or boredom perhaps. Dealing with the underlying and real issue could stop the nail biting and more.

    Try chewing gum to keep your mouth busy.

    You might also want to try putting nail polish on. Since it tastes so bad, you won't want to bite your nails anymore.

    As your nails/skin grow, they will seem puffy and itchy. This is normal! This fudge-finger sensation will go away in time.

    Clean your nails! Part of the reason you bite them is because they are dirty. Buff then, scrub them, clean them. This will make you appreciate them more.

    If you are artistic, try doing projects with clay or plaster. It gets all over your hands, and the flavour stays in your nails (and all over your hands) long after you wash off any visible mess. They both taste bad to many people (clay tastes salty and can leave a slimy texture and plaster tastes chalky) and doing the projects will also keep your hands busy.

    Put nail jewels on your nails. These are hard to bite, and the risk of one coming off in your mouth may scare you into quitting your habit.

    Remember that long ago, people used to think that bitten nails got lodged in people's intestines (to this day some parents still tell their children this). Even though we know now that this is not actually true, it's a gross thing to think about as you chew...

    Don't be silly and replace nail-biting with a worse habit. While stubby digits are unhealthy and painful, other habits can be worse.

    Chewing your fingernails invites infection.

    Brittle nails can be caused by strong detergents and chemicals, sun exposure, poor diet, or prolonged use of nail hardeners. Avoid the use of hardeners containing formaldehyde, which has a drying effect on nails.

    Remember beauty is only skin deep. As is ugly. Telling yourself you are ugly will only undermine your self esteem and keep you from being your best. Tell yourself instead that you are a special person and that you deserve to have healthy looking nails too.
    you can buy this nail polish that is really nasty!!!! and when she bites her nails she will hate it. if she doesn;t let u out it on her nails then do it when she is asleep. well i hope i helped.
    Biting nails is a bad habit... but people do it to reduce stress. If you really want her to stop, make sure she trims her fingernails short and often, and tell her if she stops biting them, that you will treat her to a manicure. You could also give her that special nail polish that tastes bad and smells bad or dip her nails in something gross that tastes bad, like vinegar.
    it might seem punishing, but if she don't like spicy food ...put something on her nails like hotsauce...or even putting tape on her finger tips...just put something on them or cut them low so she won't be able to get to them
    Well, my step sister was a real bad nail-biter, and my parents used to dip her fingers in viniger, that worked preaty well.

    Do you file or cut your babies nails?

    Every had any accidents? Is it hard to file them? Do you always wait for when your baby is asleep?Do you file or cut your babies nails?
    I bite my daughters while she feeds. Its the only time she is still long enough!Do you file or cut your babies nails?
    I use a tiny pair of baby nail clippers to trim my 9 week old daughter's nails and I usually do it when she is awake and calm (not too playful).

    I've never had an accident, I make sure I hold her hand firmly so she can't move it and accidentally get cut.

    I know you're supposed to file them for young babies but I couldn't do it efficiently.
    I did have an oops and cut my little one while clipping her nails when she was about a month old. I felt terrible!

    i started to file her nails down while she slept when she was a newborn, now i cut them also while she sleeps. shes such a busy body while awake and there will be MANY accidents!
    Yes, I have had a couple accidents when my son was little. It is very hard to clip there nails at any age to be honest with you. I would recommend filing them, I filed my sons nails b/c clipping was too hard whether he was 1 month or 10 months old. Filing to me is alot safer for you and your baby! gl!
    I cut my daughter's nails right after a bath, they are softer and sometimes I can just peel the tips right off. I put her in her boppy and prop her bottle so I can get to her hands. No accidents as she is still when she eats. Hope this helps =)
    You can file them but i find the rubbing of the nail bed is too abrasive for their little fingers. -bite them, you will have better control of how far you cut, when they get a bit older then cut them.
    I've cut them since she was born. Never had an accident. Sophie has actually always sat still and watched me do it!!! LOL it's so funny, like she enjoys her baby manicure!! :) She is now 2, and she still sits and watches while I do it!
    Dad used to cut her nails but had an accident, now I'm chief cutter and I do it when she is calm. It doesn't seem to bother her too much. I just whisper soft words whilst doing it and she just watches me cut away.

    Although I our daughter is still in my tummy, we've been told that as a way for dad to bond with baby, get him to bite the nails.
    I file them alot more often than cut them. My daughter is now 3 months and I am just now feeling comfortable cutting them. They are just so small!! I only cut them after a bath when they are nice and soft, too.
    i cut Hollys nails using baby scissors,she just sits and watches wondering what im doing,ive never had an accident *touches wood*.
    when her nails need cut, i let her nap with me in the afternoon, i bite her nails when she is sleeping, then transfer her to her cot when im done.
    so i wouldnt file not good...its better to cut them, but its hard when the baby is awake :) i would cut them when the little beauty are sleeping :)))
    just be very careful when u file it ... surely u do not wan to hurt ur baby

    make sure u have enough concentration when u do it ..



    my mum used to cut my little brothers nails with a baby nail-clipper.
    I would file them. Their skin so sensitive!
    use a small nail clipper and be careful not to go too close.
    i bite my daughters when shes just gotten out the bath, thats when there are softest

    Can i paint on gel nails and remove with normal nail varnish remover?

    No, not if they are UV gel nails. Those require a UV lamp, and cannot be soaked off. While there are a couple of nail gels available that are soakable, and do not require a UV lamp, these gels are not any good. Don't waste your time or money on them.Can i paint on gel nails and remove with normal nail varnish remover?
    you need to but the correct varnish remover

    boots sell itCan i paint on gel nails and remove with normal nail varnish remover?
    no, you'll ruin them if u use an normal remover
    if its acetone free nail varnish your nails will be fine
    as long as you use an acetone free remover...
    the varnish remover will ruin the false nails so I suggest that you dont do that
    It will only work with an acetone free nail varnish remover x
    You have to make sure that you use non-acetone nail polish remover with acrylic nails, so I assume the same goes for gel nails as well.
  • recipes cream
  • What are the white spots on peoples' nails?

    I was taking my nail polish off the other day, and everyone has had this, but there are these white spots down near your cuticles.. what IS that? I've always wondered.What are the white spots on peoples' nails?
    The white spots are called Leukonychia, the presence of white spots on the nail surface, is very common. It's often caused by a minor trauma to the nail bed or matrix. The white spots grow out as the nail grows.

    Hope this helps ~BonWhat are the white spots on peoples' nails?
    The white spots on peoples' nails is a zinc deficiency thats why those white spots come up so take some zinc baby! it will help.
    I read somewhere that they are like bruises to your nails.
    calcium deposits


    ok i was wrong :-p

    What nails are more popular in the states? Acrylic or Gel?

    I wanna go to a class to learn how to do nails but i have to decide what i want to learn! so what is more popular? gel is popular in europe!What nails are more popular in the states? Acrylic or Gel?
    gel, because they look more natural, but if you go to a class you'll learn about all typesWhat nails are more popular in the states? Acrylic or Gel?
    Gel is definitely in in America. Acrylics are still big but the higher end salons are doing gel.

    Got any good suggestions for strengthening natural nails ?

    I have nails that grow well, but I'M always breaking them!. Are there any good tips you have for helping nails grow and stay really strong.Got any good suggestions for strengthening natural nails ?
    Brewers Yeast pills.Three a day,every day.Great for hair,skin and nails. I can take out a man's throat with my nails !! LOLGot any good suggestions for strengthening natural nails ?
    Your most welcome.Wait till you see the results in a couple of weeks!

    Report Abuse

    get a good nail strengthener get a sally hansen nail varnish or have a gel over lay that helps keep them strong my girlfriend owns a beauty salon
    avon has a great nail strengthener that is a calcuim enriched top coat I'm sure you can buy it at stores like walmart also.
    Use some nail varnish to protect them, especially if your hands are in water a lot of the time. Does not have to be a coloured varnish, even natural will work.
    every evening keep them in a bowl with warm (not too hot though) water, mixed up with salt... works for me :)
    sally henson nail hardener its wiked!
    Try clear nail polish.
    clinique i hear my mom talkin bout all the time
    Vitamin E tablets every day will give you strong nails, shiny hair and good skin. Try to eat well, especially foods rich in vitamin E such as nuts and leafy green vegetables.

    Your nails will be less likely to break if you keep them painted, if you don't like/can't wear coloured polish, just use a clear one.

    There are many good Sally Hansen products for strengthening nails, check the link below.
    there is this clear nair polish, and it helps to grow and strengthen nails. just put it on and ure nails will start to get stronger.
    Calcium %26amp; fish oil tablets are always a good solution or you could go with a quick fix and get some sally hansen nail strenghthner.
    There are vitamens that you take for your nails that will make your nails healthy
    i love sally hansen's nail strengthening products. they r amazing
    Sally Hansen, I suffer with splits on my nails but if I use her (I think) its the hard as nails one, you put it on every day for seven days and then take it all off and start again, it guarantees longer and stronger nails in ten days or something. Its really good.

    Well since declawing is so horrible, will I be able to clip my cats nails myself?

    I seen a clipper in Walmart the other day.Well since declawing is so horrible, will I be able to clip my cats nails myself?
    Get the clipper and then get someone to help you, this is not a one person excercise. Believe me, the cat is not going to be happy. If you have the money, best to go to the vet or a groomer, but if not, it can be done at home, I have the scratches to prove it, I did it the other day. Get a heavy blanket or towel, not a good one. Wrap up the cat, you are only going to do the front claws, the cat needs the back claws to scratch itself. You have to be very careful when doing this, you have to look at the claw carefully and you will see that there is a white part and a red part. You are only going to cut the white part. Stay clear of the red part, that is not the nail, it is part of the cat and will bleed a hell of a lot and is hard to stop, ie, you will end up at the vet. Carefully cut the white part of the claw off, then more on to the next claw.

    I wish you luck, it can be done. A little booze will help, that's for you not the cat.Well since declawing is so horrible, will I be able to clip my cats nails myself?
    If your cat is still a kitten, she might get used to the idea. If she's an adult, she might not.

    Ask your kitty's vet to show you how to do it properly if you aren't sure, but want to try.
    Not a good idea. My grandma tried to cut my dog's fur and snipped his ear. Just take it to get groomed.
    You can clip your cats nails on your own. However, this is not advisable because people who do not have training in this area often snip off an important nerve underneath the claw. Needless to say this is VERY PAINFUL for the cat! Instead take it to the groomer. It isnt very expensive. Good Luck!
    Yes... this is what has worked best for me... First, buy some clippers for them and some special powder they sell at petco (its for stopping bleeding just in case you clip their nails too much...I never have though, so don't worry, its just in case!) stradle the cat so you are in control of them and talk in a soft voice, not getting mad at them for moving. Do one paw at a time, so if you have to come back to them what it takes...they eventually get used to it...espeically if they are still young.
    Why are you wanting to clip your cats nails?

    The use them to climb and keep themselves entertained. If your cat is clawing furniture. Get him/her a scratch post. Or evertime she/he scratches squirt with a water bottle.
    Yes. It's actually easier to do it with fingernail clippers made for humans. The kind in the stores are made for dogs which have rounded nails. Cat claws are flat, so just snip off the ends. Cats' claws grow at different rates, so how often you'll need to do it will depend on how fast your cat's claws grow.

    If your cat has white claws it's easy to see where the quick is, so you don't nick it. If the cat's claws are dark, it is harder, so clip slightly less than you think is necessary until you figure out how far you can clip them. Be careful not to clip too far because the cat will not be cooperative again!

    Consider only clipping one or two at a time every evening so that it isn't such an ordeal.
    Piece of cake. The early you start the easier it will be.
    It is really easy to do. Peopel nail clippers work best. I hold my cat like you would hold a baby and push out her claws and clip just the tips off about once a month. She doesn't even fight it anymore.
    Declawing is not horrible. It's a personal decision that you should make after getting ALL the facts. I've never regretted getting my cats de-clawed.

    research here:>
    try these things called soft claws. the fit on a cat's claws like a glove. you just cut off the tip of your cat's nail, fill the soft claws with super glue, and slip it onto your cat. voila! simple.
    Get the right clippers for the cat. You can clip your cats claws but be careful because if you cut them in the wrong place your cat can bleed really bad. In case you do cut in the wrong place there is a powder you can get that it is call stop bleeding and you just put that on. Be careful good luck cutting the claws. Have someone helping you so the cat won't move.
    If your cat is still a kitten, probably you can do it. You might want to ask the groomer or veterinarian how to do it. If your cat is a grown-up, then you probably will not be able to. Then, you can either take your cat to the groomer when the cats nails are in need of clipping, or you can get a set of SOFT PAWS. (They are neat little covers for the claws, so the claws don't scratch.)
    It's pretty easy. If you feel uneasy about it get someone to show you how, either an experienced fellow cat owner or a vet or groomer. But it's really not that difficult, there's no need not to learn how to do it yourself. Just be sure you don't clip off too much, start with the very tips so even if he struggles a little you won't clip off too much. With most cats it's just meant to blunt them rather than cut off a whole length anyhow, only on my old cat who walks very little anymore %26amp; do I have to clip them because they grow too long.
    Yup! My father used to always do that because my cat knows not to mess with my father. Just hold your cat down and push the claws out and snip snip. It's pretty easy if your cat can stay still. Good Luck!
    just get a seperate pair of nail clippers for the cat be gentle and dont cut to far
    of coarse you can! i own two cats and i clip thier nails all the time!!! take nail clippers you know the ones we use, and push out the claws. when you cut the nails make sure you dont go past the white v on the nail. good luck!
    The pair that looks like a small pair of pliers with a curved tip is better than the pair that looks like a mini scoop ending that scissor shut.

    We started clipping our cat's claws when he was about 1yr old. We started by wrapping him up in a towel and leaving one limb out at a time but we found this was more fuss than it was worse.

    He responded better to my husband clipping him than me (I am too much a softie!) and now he just knows what to expect - he gives a defiant, annoyed little ';meow!'; each time a claw is clipped but it takes about 2 minutes now and we only need to do it every 6-8 weeks (more in Summer than Winter).

    Sitting in like a dining room chair in the kitchen where you can sweep the floor of clippings is easiest as is tucking the cat under one arm and holding him close to your body with your arm while you clip him.

    And only clip the translucent part of the nail (maybe approx 2mm off) not the part where its more opaque.

    I have some bad toe nails because they get stepped on durring soccer. What can i do to get rid of nail fungus?

    There are some over the counter cures.

    Outgrow is a sorta pain/fungus medication kinda like ambisole for toes.

    Drawing sauve. it a black creme that sucks the bad outa your toes.

    A foot doctor can cut away the infected part of your nail so it grows right. It actually hurts alot less then the pain you get when stepped on.

    Don't let it get away from you I had bad toes for years and got an infection and had to have emergincey surgery on them.I have some bad toe nails because they get stepped on durring soccer. What can i do to get rid of nail fungus?
    anti-fungal creme, found at any pharmacy. use twice dailyI have some bad toe nails because they get stepped on durring soccer. What can i do to get rid of nail fungus?
    go to a pedicure .......ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!! dont ask that guestion

    Fungus of the nail - onychomycosis - is caused by microscopic organisms called Dermatophytes. Dermatophytes grow in the nail bed, beneath the nail and live off keratin, the protein in the nail. Fungal infection can make the nails thick. The most common infection is with Trichophyton rubrum, the same fungus that causes athlete?? foot. Occasionally, other types of fungus, such as yeasts, are responsible, and people who have been abroad may have some quite exotic fungi. The condition usually begins towards the far end of the nail and may start with patches of white or yellow discoloration. If the condition is left untreated, it will proceed to the base of the nail. It will attack the nail root (matrix) and cause the nail to grow very thick and deformed. The big toe is usually the first nail to be affected with the condition spreading to adjacent nails. In rare cases this condition can also affect the skin surrounding the nails. Most people may have the fungus present on their feet. However, a nail fungus infection may be caused due to the fungus invading the skin. This can be due to injury to the nail, inflammation from an ingrowing toe nail or inappropriate nail cutting. In your case, it would seem that the injury that you received in sports might be the cause. You may purchase anti-fungal creams and ointments over-the-counter in the chemist/pharmacy. There are now some quite effective treatments for fungal nail infections. The downside is that they have to be taken for a long time, can have side effects and do not work for all types of fungi. So before starting treatment, it might be wise to visit your doctor who will usually take a sample by scraping under the nail (this may be slightly uncomfortable but not painful) and sending it to the laboratory to identify your particular fungus. It can take over three weeks for the laboratory to grow and identify the fungus.

    Hope this helps

    matador 89
    Tenactin helps, but you should really see a doctor who specializes in feet.
    Go to a podiatrist. They can help prescribe the right medicines to cure the nail fungus.

    My nails are now growing naturally, but they grow and curve. What's up with that? How can I uncurve them?

    They are at a very moderate length, but they curve at the edges. Is there something I can take or put on them to make them stronger and not curve? They dont curve in the natural 'nice' way that nails are suppose to curve, they are lapse sided curves...My nails are now growing naturally, but they grow and curve. What's up with that? How can I uncurve them?
    possibly cut them at regurlar intivals, and cut the traces of them, such as the shrt nail growing sideways.My nails are now growing naturally, but they grow and curve. What's up with that? How can I uncurve them?
    go c a professional person like a nail technician and ask if they can shape it up for u
    if your nails are curving, there isn't anything to do, it is the way you are made. If you don't like it, keep them just a tad shorter than the curve.
    fix them
    No Mather what you do. that the way the are, at least you make a transplant they always going to grow on that way, sorry for what i will said, but try to keep on the long before the curve. I have someone on my family they have the same problem. people tell her to buy this buy that, she check with the doctor, and nothing work, now she used not to long, and when the star curving she cut and problem result
    It is possibly a vitamin B12 deficiency, but it is probably just the way your nails grow. Mine look like that, too, so I keep mine manicured short with a squared tip. Mine are pretty. :-) Any good manicurist recognizes possible medical conditions which present symptoms in the nails, so go get a professional manicure for $12.00 plus a $3.00 tip.
    Mine do it too, unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it...
    Your nails naturally curl after the get so long because your nails are little tiny strains of hair.

    Crazy huh...

    I just found out.

    If u want them fixed so they won't get them done at a nail salon and ask them how to get them not to curl

    You have to train them to grow straight so until then keep them trimmed.
    Mine do that too. There's not much you can do about it except keep your nails short so it's noticeable. If you used to have normal nails and they've changed, you should see a doctor as some nail conditions can indicate health problems in other parts of the body.
    Go to a doctor, it's a condition.

    What nails are more popular in the states? Acrylic or Gel?

    I wanna go to a class to learn how to do nails but i have to decide what i want to learn! so what is more popular? gel is popular in europe!What nails are more popular in the states? Acrylic or Gel?
    gel, because they look more natural, but if you go to a class you'll learn about all typesWhat nails are more popular in the states? Acrylic or Gel?
    Gel is definitely in in America. Acrylics are still big but the higher end salons are doing gel.

    Got any good suggestions for strengthening natural nails ?

    I have nails that grow well, but I'M always breaking them!. Are there any good tips you have for helping nails grow and stay really strong.Got any good suggestions for strengthening natural nails ?
    Brewers Yeast pills.Three a day,every day.Great for hair,skin and nails. I can take out a man's throat with my nails !! LOLGot any good suggestions for strengthening natural nails ?
    Your most welcome.Wait till you see the results in a couple of weeks!

    Report Abuse

    get a good nail strengthener get a sally hansen nail varnish or have a gel over lay that helps keep them strong my girlfriend owns a beauty salon
    avon has a great nail strengthener that is a calcuim enriched top coat I'm sure you can buy it at stores like walmart also.
    Use some nail varnish to protect them, especially if your hands are in water a lot of the time. Does not have to be a coloured varnish, even natural will work.
    every evening keep them in a bowl with warm (not too hot though) water, mixed up with salt... works for me :)
    sally henson nail hardener its wiked!
    Try clear nail polish.
    clinique i hear my mom talkin bout all the time
    Vitamin E tablets every day will give you strong nails, shiny hair and good skin. Try to eat well, especially foods rich in vitamin E such as nuts and leafy green vegetables.

    Your nails will be less likely to break if you keep them painted, if you don't like/can't wear coloured polish, just use a clear one.

    There are many good Sally Hansen products for strengthening nails, check the link below.
    there is this clear nair polish, and it helps to grow and strengthen nails. just put it on and ure nails will start to get stronger.
    Calcium %26amp; fish oil tablets are always a good solution or you could go with a quick fix and get some sally hansen nail strenghthner.
    There are vitamens that you take for your nails that will make your nails healthy
    i love sally hansen's nail strengthening products. they r amazing
    Sally Hansen, I suffer with splits on my nails but if I use her (I think) its the hard as nails one, you put it on every day for seven days and then take it all off and start again, it guarantees longer and stronger nails in ten days or something. Its really good.

    Well since declawing is so horrible, will I be able to clip my cats nails myself?

    I seen a clipper in Walmart the other day.Well since declawing is so horrible, will I be able to clip my cats nails myself?
    Get the clipper and then get someone to help you, this is not a one person excercise. Believe me, the cat is not going to be happy. If you have the money, best to go to the vet or a groomer, but if not, it can be done at home, I have the scratches to prove it, I did it the other day. Get a heavy blanket or towel, not a good one. Wrap up the cat, you are only going to do the front claws, the cat needs the back claws to scratch itself. You have to be very careful when doing this, you have to look at the claw carefully and you will see that there is a white part and a red part. You are only going to cut the white part. Stay clear of the red part, that is not the nail, it is part of the cat and will bleed a hell of a lot and is hard to stop, ie, you will end up at the vet. Carefully cut the white part of the claw off, then more on to the next claw.

    I wish you luck, it can be done. A little booze will help, that's for you not the cat.Well since declawing is so horrible, will I be able to clip my cats nails myself?
    If your cat is still a kitten, she might get used to the idea. If she's an adult, she might not.

    Ask your kitty's vet to show you how to do it properly if you aren't sure, but want to try.
    Not a good idea. My grandma tried to cut my dog's fur and snipped his ear. Just take it to get groomed.
    You can clip your cats nails on your own. However, this is not advisable because people who do not have training in this area often snip off an important nerve underneath the claw. Needless to say this is VERY PAINFUL for the cat! Instead take it to the groomer. It isnt very expensive. Good Luck!
    Yes... this is what has worked best for me... First, buy some clippers for them and some special powder they sell at petco (its for stopping bleeding just in case you clip their nails too much...I never have though, so don't worry, its just in case!) stradle the cat so you are in control of them and talk in a soft voice, not getting mad at them for moving. Do one paw at a time, so if you have to come back to them what it takes...they eventually get used to it...espeically if they are still young.
    Why are you wanting to clip your cats nails?

    The use them to climb and keep themselves entertained. If your cat is clawing furniture. Get him/her a scratch post. Or evertime she/he scratches squirt with a water bottle.
    Yes. It's actually easier to do it with fingernail clippers made for humans. The kind in the stores are made for dogs which have rounded nails. Cat claws are flat, so just snip off the ends. Cats' claws grow at different rates, so how often you'll need to do it will depend on how fast your cat's claws grow.

    If your cat has white claws it's easy to see where the quick is, so you don't nick it. If the cat's claws are dark, it is harder, so clip slightly less than you think is necessary until you figure out how far you can clip them. Be careful not to clip too far because the cat will not be cooperative again!

    Consider only clipping one or two at a time every evening so that it isn't such an ordeal.
    Piece of cake. The early you start the easier it will be.
    It is really easy to do. Peopel nail clippers work best. I hold my cat like you would hold a baby and push out her claws and clip just the tips off about once a month. She doesn't even fight it anymore.
    Declawing is not horrible. It's a personal decision that you should make after getting ALL the facts. I've never regretted getting my cats de-clawed.

    research here:>
    try these things called soft claws. the fit on a cat's claws like a glove. you just cut off the tip of your cat's nail, fill the soft claws with super glue, and slip it onto your cat. voila! simple.
    Get the right clippers for the cat. You can clip your cats claws but be careful because if you cut them in the wrong place your cat can bleed really bad. In case you do cut in the wrong place there is a powder you can get that it is call stop bleeding and you just put that on. Be careful good luck cutting the claws. Have someone helping you so the cat won't move.
    If your cat is still a kitten, probably you can do it. You might want to ask the groomer or veterinarian how to do it. If your cat is a grown-up, then you probably will not be able to. Then, you can either take your cat to the groomer when the cats nails are in need of clipping, or you can get a set of SOFT PAWS. (They are neat little covers for the claws, so the claws don't scratch.)
    It's pretty easy. If you feel uneasy about it get someone to show you how, either an experienced fellow cat owner or a vet or groomer. But it's really not that difficult, there's no need not to learn how to do it yourself. Just be sure you don't clip off too much, start with the very tips so even if he struggles a little you won't clip off too much. With most cats it's just meant to blunt them rather than cut off a whole length anyhow, only on my old cat who walks very little anymore %26amp; do I have to clip them because they grow too long.
    Yup! My father used to always do that because my cat knows not to mess with my father. Just hold your cat down and push the claws out and snip snip. It's pretty easy if your cat can stay still. Good Luck!
    just get a seperate pair of nail clippers for the cat be gentle and dont cut to far
    of coarse you can! i own two cats and i clip thier nails all the time!!! take nail clippers you know the ones we use, and push out the claws. when you cut the nails make sure you dont go past the white v on the nail. good luck!
    The pair that looks like a small pair of pliers with a curved tip is better than the pair that looks like a mini scoop ending that scissor shut.

    We started clipping our cat's claws when he was about 1yr old. We started by wrapping him up in a towel and leaving one limb out at a time but we found this was more fuss than it was worse.

    He responded better to my husband clipping him than me (I am too much a softie!) and now he just knows what to expect - he gives a defiant, annoyed little ';meow!'; each time a claw is clipped but it takes about 2 minutes now and we only need to do it every 6-8 weeks (more in Summer than Winter).

    Sitting in like a dining room chair in the kitchen where you can sweep the floor of clippings is easiest as is tucking the cat under one arm and holding him close to your body with your arm while you clip him.

    And only clip the translucent part of the nail (maybe approx 2mm off) not the part where its more opaque.
  • recipes cream
  • Whats with the white spots on my nails?

    I have little white spots on my nails. I know it is not fungus or a weird medical condition. My mom think it is because I dont get enough calcium. What the heck is it! It is so annoying!Whats with the white spots on my nails?
    It is called Leukonychia. Simply put, it's just a bruise.

    The first person who answered was 100% accurate.Whats with the white spots on my nails?
    Those are calcium deposits, and if i remember correctly that means you are getting more than enough calcium.
    I have a health and nutrition book that says white spots could indicate a zinc deficiency. It states that a lack of vit. A and calcium causes dryness and brittleness.
    Yeah, I think it IS because you don't get enough calcium. And I think my mom mentioned something about putting on too much polish...?
    It's like a nail bruise...

    Does anyone know how to take fake nails off?

    does anyone have an idea how to remove them? They need to come off because they look disgusting but i got them done at a nail place and their like glued on. Can anyone help? thanks.Does anyone know how to take fake nails off?
    I clip off the tips with a big toe nail clipper thing, then I pick at them with tweezers, sliding them under the fake nail and little by little they will lift up. It's going to hurt a bit, because they're meant to stick good.

    I tried the nail polish remover before too, and it failed for me.

    When you're done buff your nails smooth with a finger nail file, or actual buffer, they'll look fine. Short, but good.Does anyone know how to take fake nails off?
    Ok I had like the same problem

    I like tried peeling them off little by little and eventually they will come off but nail polish remover doesn't work I tried that tons of times. You can't really put your nails in boiling HOT water w/out burning your nails either. you could go to your local nail salon and they can take them off for you, I just couldn't go to a nail salon cause I didn't have one in my area, but I got my nails done at a nail salon in my cousins city over spring break.
    You can buy pure Acetone at the store and soak them. But I would recommend going to the salon and paying them to take them off. When you do it yourself it pretty much rips whats left of your real nails off. When the salon removes it your real nails end up looking much better.
    you can buy acetone and soak your nails in this, at least 15 min. then you can pull them off easier with a clipper or they also make a tool for this at the local beauty supply.
    Soak your nails in Acetone for about 10 - 20 minutes then they will come right off - this is what they did at the nail salon to remove mine!
    Soak them gently in nail polish remover. Your real nails will look horrible though so I'd recomend just keeping the falsies for a few weeks.
    Go to the place where you got them, they take them off. It's ushally like five dollars or something.
    Soak them in nail polish remover that's the only way.
    polish remover

    make sure it has acetone in it though
    boil some hot water and just soak ur nails for a coulpe of minutes....but dont put your fingers in or ull burn urself!
  • recipes cream
  • If You Have Lupus do putting acrylic nails on affect the lupus?

    My mom said i had to stop putting them on in till i find out if they affect meIf You Have Lupus do putting acrylic nails on affect the lupus?
    I don't believe there are any studies done about the affects of acrylic nails in Lupus. However, that being said, I agree with Linda, why take the chance. If you have Lupus you should avoid anything that could weaken your immune system. Besides acrylic nails aren't even good for you, they damage your natural nails and they don't really even look that good. Grow out your natural nails and get a manicure.If You Have Lupus do putting acrylic nails on affect the lupus?
    First have you been diagnosed with Lupus?

    If the answer is yes then she may be right. Our immune systems are already overwhelmed, why give them more chemicals to deal with?

    What causes an unhealthy appearance of skin, nails, teeth, hair etc.?

    Is it something one lacks that causes unhealthy skin, nails, hair, teeth etc.? How could this be resolved?What causes an unhealthy appearance of skin, nails, teeth, hair etc.?
    Yes, your health and lack of certain vitamins/mineral intake can definitely have something to do with that. Do you take daily vitamins? If you don't, then you should. Getting enough calcium is important too.

    How is your diet (food intake)? Make sure you get enough fruits and veggies and drink plenty of water. (6 to 8 cups a day)

    And of course, protein but i'm sure you already know about that.

    :)What causes an unhealthy appearance of skin, nails, teeth, hair etc.?
    There are lots of vitamin deficiencies that cause hair and nails to be brittle. Zinc and vitamin E are critical for good skin. Calcium and Vitamin D are needed for good teeth and bones.

    What color should I paint my nails?

    My girly friends told me blue would fit me but I am not sure.

    Help me! What color should I paint my nails?What color should I paint my nails?

    i think sunset red would be awesome or you could check these out��

    you're too awesomeWhat color should I paint my nails?
    The red sparkly kind that looks like it belongs on a 5 year-olds nails.


    Then you would definitely be cool.
    hot pink, black, limegreen or...yellow
    put, blue, %26amp; green.!!!
    dark red or bright orange
    black or hot pink:D

    maybe even orange?
    i'd go with brown.. with some gold sparkles.