Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why does my 16 month old girl have white lines across her finger nails?

My 16 month old daughter has distinct white lines across her finger nails iv read by some that its a vitamin deficiency but i was just reading on the web this medical page was saying that it could mean arsenic or lead poisoning! im scared is this true? please answer from a nail tech or medical person thanks.Why does my 16 month old girl have white lines across her finger nails?
White lines are caused from trauma to the nail. Is she biting down or sucking on her fingers? She may be banging her nails somehow on mayber her crib wall, toys, etc. White lines back in the day were like an old wives tale, white lines indicated ';little white lies';. It may also be a calcium defiency. To ease your mind take her in to the doc, you not seeing blood, fever, blueness hue to her nail bed, nothing to worry about :) Take her in though for peace of mind. Blessings to you and yours :)Why does my 16 month old girl have white lines across her finger nails?
White lines in or across the nail can signal fever, liver or heart disease, kidney disorders or, more likely, a lack of iron or zinc in your diet. I am sure it is probably more the iron or zinc factor. My advice would be to call your doctors office and ask to speak to the nurse that way they will be able to tell you if your child needs to be seen. Good luck and I'm sure everything will be okay. It's good that you are a nurturing concerned parent.
vitamin deficiency probably calcium , and why the hell are you asking yahoo and not a doctor.
PLEASE make that child a doctors appointment ASAP. Please.
I AM NOT A PHYSICIAN. Ok, I think it could be a defiency of some sort- a vitamin definiecy???? ONLY A DOCTOR CAN TELL YOU. TAKE HER IN- AND FOLLOW THE DOCTORS ADVICE.
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