Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Anyone got any good ideas of how to quit the habbit of bitting nails.?

They are so short and somtimes i get made fun of.Anyone got any good ideas of how to quit the habbit of bitting nails.?
put a really horrid tasting nail varnish on your you will probably stop...

second of all people all over the world bite their nails so dont feel alone!!!Anyone got any good ideas of how to quit the habbit of bitting nails.?
Put some red hot chili pepper on your nail :)
Go buy a can of dog food and carry it around with you. You'll need a can opener unless it's a pop top. Cat food works too.

Then type up a simple contract. It reads something like this.

I hereby bind myself that if I bite my nails again I will eat this can of dog/cat food in front of my witnesses. Then have at least two of your best friends/family to sign as witnesses.

Provide them with copies.
Break away your teeth with a hammer!!!
Dear Young Lady, Try screwing gum for a while.
there is a product that will help. here is a link:>>
The way I stopped biting my nails is I got the acrylic nails from the salon. I kept those for several months. I could not and did not want to bite those! After wearing those for so long, I had no desire to bite my real nails once the acrylic nails came off. It has been several years and I never bite my nails now.

Everytime you find yourself biting your nails, slap yourself with a wet fish. The unpleasant experiance of doing this will make you quit nailbiting.
try to put on fake nails then wen u have them off your gonna be use to not bitting them out put stuff on your nails like nailpolish
Just...don't bite them. Teach yourself to consciously recognize when you are about to bite them, and then force yourself to stop. When you have that feeling that you want to bite them, try to banish it from your mind and overwrite it with something else. It might not be easy, but there's not much else you can do that will work in the long run.
I have never bitten my nails but know of many who do, so you are not alone..

One time my cousin bit hers till they bled and were swollen.. that was so sad..

She did stop though but it was with using many different ways..

Here are a few she used..

1...Bad tasting nail polish for nail biters..

2... Elastic on wrist so every time she got the urge she would snap it..

Now the more drastic measures she used...

1... In the evening at home she would bandage each finger tip before going to bed so she would not do it subconsciously

2... Got some artificial stick on nails.. and wore them for awhile.. she loved the look and hated the

It took her awhile but she is completely over it now ...

Hope this helped..Good Luck..
artificial nails
There is a product you can buy at pharmacies called Tea Tree Oil. It is nothing but pure oil extracted from the Tea tree (hence the name). It is not harmful and it is actually used for cuts, burns, and when combined with water - used as a mouth wash. The stuff tastes absolutely horrible, and because it is an oil you won't have to reapply it so often.
They make a really bitter tasting nail polish. You can find that at any drug store. Also, you can come up with something else to do every time you get the urge to bite your nails - like doodling, so it keeps your hands busy.
yes .i had same problem.i bought nail polish for bitting nails(sally brand)from boots.i couldnt belive ,they realy help.around 5?

good luck:)

even if you are boy you can use,they dont have color.
I had this exact same problem.

Some of the things I did are: I got a really bad tasting nail Varnish from the drug store, painted it on, if you try to bite your nails, you get a really badtaste into your moth.

You can try painting Lemon juice on them, you get a sour taste, which ins't all that pleasent.

I found it also helped to chew gum, since it keeps my mouth busy, or try to keep your hands busy, by fiddling with something, clicking a pen.

Hope this helps!
They have special nail polish that you can put on tastes bad but it's safe so you wont want to bite them anymore, but if you do, you wont get sick!
i bit my nails all the time...the only thing that stops me from biting them is when I get a manicure....I refuse to bit them when my nails are done.
Get nail tips put on.
OPI makes an amazing product that both tastes awful and advances nail growth in a hurry. The product is called Nail Envy and it comes in a couple of formulas. It is WONDERFUL!!!

It is also very expensive...$8.00 a bottle but one bottle will last a lonnnng time!

Good luck!!
Go to a salon and get a set of acrylic nails. I used to bite my nails down to the nubbs, but then I started getting a pink and white french manicure and completely stopped putting my fingers in my mouth. I still keep them short but they look fabulous and I have no urge to bite or pick.Good Luck.
why would people make fun of short nails? you can got clear nail polish and put it on your nails so when you bite them it tastes horrible. or you can get a really pretty manicure and you prolly won't bite because you will ruin it and the nail polish tastes bad.
If your a girl get crylic or gels put on- I stopped in 2 weeks!! Or you can rub some polish remover on your nails and fingers. It tastes horrible and it doesn't wash right off... Either one would be a sure thing with diligence
yes I had the same prob, what u need to do is put fake nails on and keep em on til u get ur self used to not bitting them
I started getting my nails done. And it really helped.

The nail polish tasted bad and if I bit them - they looked terrible ! Now my nails are longer and stronger because they can grow now.
start smokin!! your hands will stink and you wont even want them near your face!!! hA!!! we used salsa on my ll sis's hands...and she stopped fast!!
Make yourself bit something else. I used to. Just train yourself not to. Maybe you could put tape over it when no ones around.
I also bite my nails and am trying to stop. Not sure about you but with me it's almost unconcious. If I actually think about it I don't really have a problem not biting them but I always catch myself doing it and don't even realize it. Whenever I'm in the car with my gf, she'll catch me biting my nails and slap my hand and I'll stop and literally less than a minute later I'll be doing it again and I won't even realize it. I would say try to be more concious of your doing it and it shouldn't be that hard to stop. Also, you could paint on that pepper stuff on your nails. That way anytime you did go to bite your nails that would be a riminder and a bad taste.
I used to bite my nails too, but I stopped. What you might want to try is keeping your fingers occupied. Play with a bouncy ball, a bracelet, anything. Also, try wearing gloves or really bright nail polish so that when you look at your fingers, you'll remember not to bite. If those don't work, you can try to find a special nail polish that makes you stop biting. It tastes really bad so you won't want to put your fingers in your mouth.

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