Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How do I cut my Budgies Nails?

Ive had him for 3 weeks and his nails are long how do i cut them??How do I cut my Budgies Nails?
I would suggest buying a budgie book that will show you illustrations on how to cut your birds nails. Basically you just want to trim off a bit of the hook on the nail making sure you don't cut the quick--or the blood vessel--in the nail. I use regular nail clippers because I find I have alot more control with them. I also have someone else hold the bird (they squirm alot and you don't want to cut their toes!). You can use styptic powder, or corn starch to stop bleeding in case you do cut too far. It would be a great idea to have a vet or an experienced bird owner show you how it is done. From the books that I have read you do not want to use those sandpaper perches--these can cause their feet to become raw and they don't work anyhow (before I knew any better I had tried them). Good luckHow do I cut my Budgies Nails?
Unless you are experienced at it, I would say don't try it yourself. Nipping a birds nails too closely can cause bleeding, and even death if they bleed too much. After all, they don't have much blood to start with!

You could take it to a vet, or you could see if any pet shops in the area can do it for you. Pet shops are usually cheaper than a vet , and many of them can trim nails or clip wings if desired.
deffiently get a vets help u could hurt the bird if u did it urself and he/she might not trust you agian
I take mine to the vets as he doesnt take too kindly to it!!

If you get a sandpaper perch cover - it helps keep the nails from getting too long and gives them something to give their beak a good scratch on too!! x

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