Thursday, September 26, 2013

How do i stop biting my nails?

I am 19 and i have been biting my nails since i cant remember! I want to stop and i've tried using those bad taste products but it still doesnt work. I have tried growing them for a bit but then when one started braking i ended up chewing all of them off :(.... need help!!!

Also what products can i use to strengthen my nails that really work. I have tried those sally h. ones but they dont workHow do i stop biting my nails?
here are some tips which worked so well for me! i finally painted my nails again after agesss today because they are finally long! :D>How do i stop biting my nails?
You are a little too old to be biting nails, so i think that it's really time to STOP! I'm not kidding. Now, many people bite their nails and then it gets to a habit. That is unfortuanately what happened to you.

Here are some tips ...

1.) Get a manicure. Go to the salon and ask for long nails. You can't bite them! Atleast for 3-4 weeks have those fake nails on, you can't take them off remember!

2.) Think! Why do you bite your nails? When did i start? Did i ever stop? How did i stop? How did i get back to the habit?

Reminder: Sally H. works, buy the one that says ';Strengethens Nail Enemal'; use for a month, and your nails will get stronger.

I hope i helped. These tips are good. Use them wisely.
There is a stuff that is sold at the drugstore that you put ion your nails and it taste really it does not work,do what a friend of mine did,pamper your nails every day, soak them in water and olive oil,cut out the cuticle (gently please) and apply a base coat to your nails...this will sound silly since you probably don't have nails to beggin with but after putting all that work for your nails you won't want to do anything to damage them,and since you are taking care of them you will see results within weeks...once you see your nails growing and looking better you definitely be encouraged to leave them alone!!
I've been biting my nails since I can remember and I'm 18 now. When I put bad-tasting stuff on them, I get really stressed and can think of nothing but biting my nails. Try having something in your pocket (a stress ball or something) you can squeeze whenever you feel the impulse to bite. I haven't tried it yet, but I hear it's very effective.
Book yourself in for a proper maincure from a professional nail salon from a fully qualified nail technician. DO NOT attempt to cut your cuticle or eponychium as a previous poster has suggested. Please see a reputable professional nail tech, they will be able to advise you as to the best possible way to grow your nails. Some even have a course of treatments available specifically designed for nail biters, helping them break the nail biting habit.
The best thing to do is to always occupy your hands. when your hands are idle and just sitting there, that's when you bite them. Also try looking at other people who bite their nails because when you actually see it, you get disgusted by it and try to quit.

Another thing you can try is get a manicure. When your nails look nice and pretty, you'd rather not bite them. :)

This is all coming from a seasoned nail biter who quit last year. Good luck! ;)
I have the EXACT same problem...minus the fact that I'm two years younger than you.

What my friend did (and what I'm going to try soon) is she got fake nails done and kept them on for about two months (getting them filled and such), then by the time she took them off her nails were pretty long (well, they showed a lot of white at least).

Then she used one of those nail strengthening kits (with the four-sided buffer thing...most beauty supply places should have them) to get them to look healthy since the fake nails make original nails look bad.

I guess this worked for her because by the time she got the nails off she had broken her habbit, not getting satisfaction out of biting the fake ones.

Hope this works for both of us!
My sister is answering this.

What you have to do is get a manicure. you won't want to bite your nails because they will look soooo pretty.

If you want to make your nails stonger try using french manicure and also you can apply french maniure then apply the nail polish then apply french manicure again.
Thie really works. All you need is Tabasco sauce and clear nail polish. Pour some of hot sauce into the polish. Apply the polish on your nails. If you try to bite them, they will taste hot. It'd be a sharp reminder to keep your nails out of your mouth.
its a habit that a lot of people including myself have, just try putting some nail polish on them thangs, it may prevent you from biting em a little bit
Nail Tek products work really well. You can find them in salons or stores like Trade Secret.
im 20 and i to have been bitting my nails sinse i can remember

i havent been able to stop

its like an addiction!

if you find a way let me know
i used to bite mine 2! but i stopped cause i got braces and it was relly hard to but enless u want braces try puttin a rubber band around ur wrists and snap when u bite!
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