Saturday, September 14, 2013

Well since declawing is so horrible, will I be able to clip my cats nails myself?

I seen a clipper in Walmart the other day.Well since declawing is so horrible, will I be able to clip my cats nails myself?
Get the clipper and then get someone to help you, this is not a one person excercise. Believe me, the cat is not going to be happy. If you have the money, best to go to the vet or a groomer, but if not, it can be done at home, I have the scratches to prove it, I did it the other day. Get a heavy blanket or towel, not a good one. Wrap up the cat, you are only going to do the front claws, the cat needs the back claws to scratch itself. You have to be very careful when doing this, you have to look at the claw carefully and you will see that there is a white part and a red part. You are only going to cut the white part. Stay clear of the red part, that is not the nail, it is part of the cat and will bleed a hell of a lot and is hard to stop, ie, you will end up at the vet. Carefully cut the white part of the claw off, then more on to the next claw.

I wish you luck, it can be done. A little booze will help, that's for you not the cat.Well since declawing is so horrible, will I be able to clip my cats nails myself?
If your cat is still a kitten, she might get used to the idea. If she's an adult, she might not.

Ask your kitty's vet to show you how to do it properly if you aren't sure, but want to try.
Not a good idea. My grandma tried to cut my dog's fur and snipped his ear. Just take it to get groomed.
You can clip your cats nails on your own. However, this is not advisable because people who do not have training in this area often snip off an important nerve underneath the claw. Needless to say this is VERY PAINFUL for the cat! Instead take it to the groomer. It isnt very expensive. Good Luck!
Yes... this is what has worked best for me... First, buy some clippers for them and some special powder they sell at petco (its for stopping bleeding just in case you clip their nails too much...I never have though, so don't worry, its just in case!) stradle the cat so you are in control of them and talk in a soft voice, not getting mad at them for moving. Do one paw at a time, so if you have to come back to them what it takes...they eventually get used to it...espeically if they are still young.
Why are you wanting to clip your cats nails?

The use them to climb and keep themselves entertained. If your cat is clawing furniture. Get him/her a scratch post. Or evertime she/he scratches squirt with a water bottle.
Yes. It's actually easier to do it with fingernail clippers made for humans. The kind in the stores are made for dogs which have rounded nails. Cat claws are flat, so just snip off the ends. Cats' claws grow at different rates, so how often you'll need to do it will depend on how fast your cat's claws grow.

If your cat has white claws it's easy to see where the quick is, so you don't nick it. If the cat's claws are dark, it is harder, so clip slightly less than you think is necessary until you figure out how far you can clip them. Be careful not to clip too far because the cat will not be cooperative again!

Consider only clipping one or two at a time every evening so that it isn't such an ordeal.
Piece of cake. The early you start the easier it will be.
It is really easy to do. Peopel nail clippers work best. I hold my cat like you would hold a baby and push out her claws and clip just the tips off about once a month. She doesn't even fight it anymore.
Declawing is not horrible. It's a personal decision that you should make after getting ALL the facts. I've never regretted getting my cats de-clawed.

research here:>
try these things called soft claws. the fit on a cat's claws like a glove. you just cut off the tip of your cat's nail, fill the soft claws with super glue, and slip it onto your cat. voila! simple.
Get the right clippers for the cat. You can clip your cats claws but be careful because if you cut them in the wrong place your cat can bleed really bad. In case you do cut in the wrong place there is a powder you can get that it is call stop bleeding and you just put that on. Be careful good luck cutting the claws. Have someone helping you so the cat won't move.
If your cat is still a kitten, probably you can do it. You might want to ask the groomer or veterinarian how to do it. If your cat is a grown-up, then you probably will not be able to. Then, you can either take your cat to the groomer when the cats nails are in need of clipping, or you can get a set of SOFT PAWS. (They are neat little covers for the claws, so the claws don't scratch.)
It's pretty easy. If you feel uneasy about it get someone to show you how, either an experienced fellow cat owner or a vet or groomer. But it's really not that difficult, there's no need not to learn how to do it yourself. Just be sure you don't clip off too much, start with the very tips so even if he struggles a little you won't clip off too much. With most cats it's just meant to blunt them rather than cut off a whole length anyhow, only on my old cat who walks very little anymore %26amp; do I have to clip them because they grow too long.
Yup! My father used to always do that because my cat knows not to mess with my father. Just hold your cat down and push the claws out and snip snip. It's pretty easy if your cat can stay still. Good Luck!
just get a seperate pair of nail clippers for the cat be gentle and dont cut to far
of coarse you can! i own two cats and i clip thier nails all the time!!! take nail clippers you know the ones we use, and push out the claws. when you cut the nails make sure you dont go past the white v on the nail. good luck!
The pair that looks like a small pair of pliers with a curved tip is better than the pair that looks like a mini scoop ending that scissor shut.

We started clipping our cat's claws when he was about 1yr old. We started by wrapping him up in a towel and leaving one limb out at a time but we found this was more fuss than it was worse.

He responded better to my husband clipping him than me (I am too much a softie!) and now he just knows what to expect - he gives a defiant, annoyed little ';meow!'; each time a claw is clipped but it takes about 2 minutes now and we only need to do it every 6-8 weeks (more in Summer than Winter).

Sitting in like a dining room chair in the kitchen where you can sweep the floor of clippings is easiest as is tucking the cat under one arm and holding him close to your body with your arm while you clip him.

And only clip the translucent part of the nail (maybe approx 2mm off) not the part where its more opaque.
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