Saturday, September 28, 2013

How to cut my rabbit's nails?

Ok my rabbit Spooky is not like any bunny. But to make a long story short, the little bugger loves to be hugged but not put on his back. He also hates it if I take one of his rabbity paws and start to cut his nails that way. What the heck am I supposed to do? My boyfriend is willing to help out because I know it will be a two person job. I have treats for Spooky afterwards but does anyone have any ideas or stories with their rabbits?How to cut my rabbit's nails?
If you trim your pet's nails, be very careful that you NEVER cut too short.

Never cut too close to the pink you can see inside of a clear nail. Black nails are more difficult to cut because you can't see the pink part inside the nail. I can tell you how but it is a much longer explanation.

- If you cut the nail too short, you will be cutting into the 'quick' and the nail will bleed. It is difficult to stop the bleeding from the quick (not to mention, very painful to the animal).

- You should purchase silver nitrate sticks from a pet store or vet. There is also a container full of silver nitrate powder you can purchase.

- If you cut the nail too short and it starts to bleed, either place the stick to the bleeding nail or dip the nail in the powder.

- If you don't have any silver nitrate, a very helpful (but less effective) tool is flour (the same kind you eat/cook with). Put the nail in a small pile of flour and keep it there for a few moments to help the blood coagulate. Even after you stop the bleeding, the nail is still very sensitive for awhile.

But anyways, if you place a rabbit on its back very gently and stroke its sides, it usually puts it into a 'hypnotized' state and it will become immobilized (for the most part).

This video shows what I'm talking about:>

If you don't feel comfortable trimming your rabbit's nails yourself or if your rabbit is too fussy, I HIGHLY suggest taking your rabbit to Petsmart or a pet store that grooms animals. They will cut the nails for you and I believe it costs less than $15. If they try and charge you more than that, go somewhere else. It usually only takes them 5-10min.How to cut my rabbit's nails?
i would buy some cat clippers and clip you rabbit nails. i clip my felines nails all the time.
if you use cat nail clippers they work the best when cutting their nails, really there is no easy way around it, but having someone to help restain is great, so you just have to work thru it and giving treats afterwards is good too
Use the same clippers as you would if you had to declaw your cat . It is hard to hold the bunny down because it is unnatural for them to be on their back. Be as gentle and may be talk to the bunny and stroke its fur to distract it.
I find that the best way is not to clip their nails on their back but have a firm grip, around their shoulders so they can't squirm around. Another way is to wrap them tightly in a towel. You can then do each paw individually with special rabbit nail clippers.
If you fence a ';run'; area off outside and put 2 or 3 inches of gravel down, the digging will quickly wear claws down naturally. BUT either the fence needs to start from a foot below ground level ,or you need to put a row of concrete blocks around perimeter below ground level or it will tunnel out in first day!

When my kids were young they had a rabbit,on condition it lived outside in hutch and enormous ';run i made for it. No expense spared, bales of hay, lettuces , carrots, 5 star luxury!

On a cold night I would find it in the house in the kids bedroom

';because it was cold outside!!!';
Try wrapping his body in a towel to minimize wiggling. This will help a lot with keeping him on his back.

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