I tried fake nails and cannot keep up with it.How can I stop biting my nails?
make a video of you biting your nails. watch it often.How can I stop biting my nails?
There is a nail polish for that problem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Lots of good suggestion have been written. May be good to look at the cause of your habit. Some stress response is happening. You could look at ways to relax like yoga or meditation, or things like that.
I belive there is a coating that you can apply to your nails that pardon the expression, make them taste like booty!! My daughter used it and it worked well for her, well it helped her stop biting her nails, but then she started plucking her hair out one by one...lol
try going to a pharmacy and get nail biting nail polish. whenever you go to bite, it gives you this AWFUL taste in your mouth! but it works!!
Put something really bitter on your nails. Not a chemical like some special 'nail polish remover' or whatever, cos that could irritate your mouth somehow, so use a special bitter leaf or herb. not only will you stop biting your nails but it'll be healthy too!
black nail varnish, it makes your nails look gross to eat, plus if you do bite, then the black bits get stuck in your teeth!
If you go to http://orlybeauty.com they have a product called No Bite, and it is a bitter flavored nail bite deterrent, so that when you go to bite your nail it will taste bad so you stop. It also helps you nails grow to long more healthy.
i hope this works for you :D
There is this nail varnish that someone used when we were little - it was meant to stop kids biting their nails cos it had an awful taste to it.
crushed pepper or chillie and rub them on them just make sure dont touch your eyes
Put vinegar or nail polish remover on your fingertips.
I had the same problem and nail polish never worked. I chew gum now. Lots and lots of it. It gives you something else to bite instead of your nails. Or any type of candy. I always carry candy around just in case I get a sudden urge to bite.
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